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Travel Blog 1: Self-Assessment

Please submit the form below when you submit your "Travel Blog" post on "What does a story need in order to be good?" We will use your self-assessment to start our process of collaboratively assessing your response.

Who are you?
Does the post have a clear and relevant focus? I.e. is it more than just a list of attributes?
Does the post include an Adobe Spark story, and reference this story in order to illustrate its points?
Is the Adobe Spark story no longer than 5 minutes, and does it include image and sound?
Does the post include at least 3 references to external sources -- including course readings, class discussions (with permission of discussants), and independent research?
Do you invite dialogue by presenting new or thought-provoking ideas? By asking questions of your audience?
Does the post meet length requirements?
Does the post include clear organization and structure (i.e. paragraph breaks, sections, imagery)?

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