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Request for SOOS Endorsement

Endorsement will only be considered if your project/proposal meets ALL of the following 3 criteria: 1. Projects that address or contribute to: a) At least one SOOS Science Theme or Key Science Challenge; OR b) A SOOS Foundational Capability *SOOS Science Themes, Challenges and Foundational Capabilities are outlined in the SOOS 2021-2025 Science and Implementation Plan - 2) The data management policy of the project must align with the SOOS Data Management Policy 3) Acceptance of the general principles and goals outlined in the SOOS Science Strategy Please answer each question in English.

(include acronym if applicable)
(if applicable)
Principal Investigator
*If the PI has NOT subscribed to SOOS they will not be available to select. Please ask the PI to subscribe via, then they will be available to select below.
Other key participants
*If these participants haven't subscribed to SOOS they will not be available to select. Please ask them to fill in the SOOS Subscription form,, then they will be available to select below.
Project Description
600 words maximum
  • {name}
Links to SOOS Science Themes
Understanding and quantifying the state and variability of the Southern Ocean:
  • Theme 1: cryosphere
  • Theme 2: circulation
  • Theme 3: carbon and biogeochemical cycle
  • Theme 4: ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Cross-cutting Theme 5: air-sea-ice fluxes
Link to Science Theme Challenges
  • 1.1 Understand ocean properties, processes and circulation beneath ice shelves and Antarctic sea ice
  • 1.2 Understand influences of changes in freshwater fluxes from iceberg melting, sub-ice shelf melting, subglacial discharge and sea ice
  • 1.3 Quantify sea ice-ocean-atmosphere characteristics and processes, including wave-ice interaction and deformation processes
  • 1.4 Understand changes in the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its impact on global sea level to improve projections and predictions of future states
  • 1.5 Improve subglacial and continental shelf bathymetry
  • 2.1 Understand the impact of Southern Ocean heat, freshwater
  • 2.2 Understand fundamental processes in the Southern Ocean and their likely changes in the future
  • 2.3 Understand the role of climate change on the Southern Ocean, notably the impact of heat and carbon on water mass properties, formation and circulation, and the changes in surface fluxes and freshwater input from the cryosphere
  • 3.1 Constrain variability in the Southern Ocean CO2 sink over different temporal scales and across regions
  • 3.2 Evaluate the contribution of seasonally ice-covered areas to carbon uptake and export
  • 3.3 Assess the extent and impact of ocean acidification across the Southern Ocean
  • 3.4 Assess the spatial, seasonal and interannual distribution of climate-active gases and halogens in ice-covered and ice-free waters
  • 3.5 Determine the key drivers of primary productivity and the biological carbon pump, and assess ongoing changes in these parameters
  • 3.6 Quantify impact of recycling and remineralization on nutrients and carbon cycling
  • 4.1 Assess the key drivers of change and their impact on Southern Ocean ecosystems at circumpolar and regional scales, with emphasis on the effects of changing sea-ice conditions on key species
  • 4.2 Understand Southern Ocean biodiversity at regional and circumpolar, as well as benthic and pelagic scales, by investigating the potential changes accruing from influences of climate change and human activities
  • 4.3 Evaluate the distribution of species in relation to CCAMLR, MPAs and climate change, considering historical changes and future projections
  • 4.4 Assess the extent to which the "greening" of the Southern Ocean is changing phytoplankton biodiversity, distribution and abundance investigating the impact of these changes on CO2 uptake and zooplankton grazers
  • 5.1 Increase air-sea flux observations
  • 5.2 Improve satellite flux capabilities
  • 5.3 Decrease uncertainty in atmosphere and ocean dynamics and boundary-layer thermodynamic processes, aiding improvements in weather and climate models
  • 5.4 Constrain variability in Southern Ocean carbonate system and ocean-atmosphere CO2 fluxes over seasonal and annual temporal scales
  • 5.5 Assess the spatial, seasonal and interannual distribution of essential climate variables in the sea-ice impacted Southern Ocean to decrease uncertainty on air-sea-ice fluxes of biogeochemical and physical properties
  • 5.6 Evaluate the contribution of seasonal variability of sea ice to heat budgets considering of sea ice to heat budgets considering turbulent fluxes at the ocean-atmosphere interface
  • 5.6 Increase spatial and temporal coverage of assessments measuring the air-sea-ice fluxes of other climate relevant gases
Link to Foundational Capabilities
  • Observing System Design
  • Key Variables
  • Modelling
  • Observational Technologies
  • Methodologies and Best Practices
  • Data Management and Delivery
  • Network and Coordination
Do you consent to the project description being placed on the SOOS website?
  • Before funding is confirmed?
  • After funding is confirmed?
Please enter start and end date (or expected dates)
Working Group
Please indicate the area of your study based on SOOS Regional Working Group sectors,, or select circumpolar below if applicable. And please indicate if the project will contribute to any of SOOS's Capability Working groups or Task Teams,
Key Project Deliverables
Please provide information on the products and data that are expected to result from this project.
  • {name}
Has funding been obtained? If yes, please provide the source of funding:
  • {name}
Linkages with Other Programmes
Does this project contribute to other national or international programmes? If yes, please provide the name of the other programmes and indicate whether official endorsement by these programmes has been granted, or is being sought.
  • {name}
Data Management Plan
Please briefly describe the data management plan for all data created in this project, including the data centre to which it will be submitted; any best practice standards for data processing and format that you will use; and any data aggregations (e.g. OBIS, EMODnet, WOD) that you will contribute your data to. If you need help creating a data management plan, please contact SOOS Data Officer on
  • {name}
Suggested Reviewers
Please provide the names of at least two of the Scientific Members from the SOOS Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) whom you believe are best placed to assess your Request for Endorsement (SSC members are listed at Note: If no names are provided your request will be forwarded to two randomly selected SSC members for assessment.
Is there any additional information you would like to include in this request.
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