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THSL Evidence Synthesis Project Information Form

Search experts from the Taubman Health Sciences Library are available to partner with your team on systematic reviews and related evidence syntheses. Teams seeking a search expert must have one or more members currently affiliated with the University of Michigan. Required elements are indicated with an asterisk. You can expect to hear from an Informationist or a member of the Evidence Synthesis Core Team within 3 business days of your form submission.

What is the question your project will address?
  • {name}
Is this project a programmatic requirement or part of a class ?
If no, enter NO. If yes, please describe the course or program that this project is a part of. Examples include an assignment in a graduate course, a project option for a research program, one component of a PhD, etc.
  • {name}
What is your planned evidence synthesis design?
What is your ideal timeframe for completing this project?
This question refers to the full project, not just the search component. Please note that depending on resourcing and availability, an Informationist may not be available to work within your ideal time frame.
If you have discussed your project with an Informationist, or worked with one in the past, please enter their name in the box below. If not, please type NONE and we will identify the appropriate Informationist for your discipline and topic.
Do you have a draft search strategy for one or more databases?
If Yes, please attach it below with your protocol if it is not part of the protocol document itself.
A protocol is required for most evidence synthesis projects. Please attach your current protocol (draft or final) here. Attachment using Drive or Box will create a snapshot of the document; it will not create a direct link to the document. Only members of the THSL Evidence Synthesis Core Team and the Informationist you work with will be able to view your submitted document(s). To learn more about evidence synthesis protocols, including protocol template documents you can use, see the Protocols page of the U-M Evidence Synthesis Guide:
Attach file
Drop files here
Comments and Citations
Please share any additional information you would like us to know about your project, including citations or links to any highly relevant articles that you have already identified.
  • {name}

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