Rivuuz Pro Sign-up form
For companies - add the name of your lead person whose name and face will appear on the website
For companies - add the name of your lead person whose name and face will appear on the website
Add your mobile number, starting with the +260 country code. e.g. +260 977 444 333
House number, street name, neighbourhood, town (e.g. 5 Mutende Rd, Woodlands, Lusaka)
House number, street name, neighbourhood, town (e.g. 5 Mutende Rd, Woodlands, Lusaka)
This is the information that potential customers will see about you and your work
Please select your main service category *
Sub categories *
Please select all other categories that are applicable to your work
Profile photo
We need a photo of the lead person, not a company logo. Please upload a professional-looking profile photo (with your face showing clearly).
Attach file
Drop files here
Profile Summary *
Max 3 paragraphs: Tell customers about you and the work you do. How big is your team? what sort of jobs do you like to do and want to be hired for?
What area of your service category do you specialise in? What will make you stand out from other service providers? Tell customers what makes you unique.
Qualifications and/or training *
Please details any training (formal or informal) you have received as well as any certificate, degrees, licences
State any professional membership or accreditation you currently hold (if any).
- {name}
Qualification documents
Attach file
Drop files here
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form