NEAR Protocol- New Auditor Ingest Form
Are you a Smart Contract Audit Company interested in partnering with the NEAR Smart Contracts Audit Program? The NEAR Smart Contract Audit program helps secure the community, continually expand the total security ecosystem experience in auditing NEAR, and increase opportunities for NEAR projects to get those critical audits in a timely fashion. The program accomplishes this through the reservation of hours and time slots with program partners. Those slots are then matched with projects who are seeking an audit through the program. The program conducts the match-making and reservations; coordinates payments, and works to collect information with which to improve audits and the audit-program-project experience. Companies completing this form will be considered for inclusion to our Smart Contract Audit Program. It is important to note that the submission doesn't guarantee admission. The onboarding of new Auditors is based significantly on capacity needs, though that need is continually expanding. Thank you for your interest. We look forward to learning about your company.