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Sneak Peek RSVP

We are delighted you are attending our last Sneak Peek event of the year on Thursday, February 16. The time is 4:30-6:30 pm. It is important that we have a headcount for this event so we can be properly prepared. Please complete the form below to RSVP. If you have any questions, our Admissions Team will be happy to assist you. Contact them by email at or by phone at 805.548.8700.

Which Sneak Peek are you attending?
  • Main Campus Sneak Peek (Preschool through 8th grade)
  • High School Sneak Peek (8th - 12th grades) @ 1111 Higuera St., SLO
Will parent 1 attend the Sneak Peek?
Will parent 2 attend the Sneak Peek?
Student 1 Current Grade
What school is your student currently attending?
  • {name}
Student 1 Program Interest
  • Hybrid Program - 2 days a week (Preschool - 8th)
  • Hybrid Program - 2 days a week + Fridays
  • Full-time Program - 4 or 5 days a week (Preschool - 8th)
  • High School
Will student 1 attend the Sneak Peek?
Do you have another student you are interested in enrolling
What school does your student currently attend?
  • {name}
Do you have any questions or is there anything you would like the admissions team to know?
  • {name}

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