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The Ocean x Climate Appeal

The Ocean x Climate Appeal seeks to generate a groundswell of public awareness for the importance of the ocean, all who depend on it, and all it sustains, in mitigating the climate crisis. It is a global movement to demand urgent attention for the ocean, as well as to amplify collaborative initiatives and catalyze streamlined action to protect the entirety of our blue planet. By adding your name and/or signing on as a partner organization, you commit to doing your part to amplify visibility for the ocean-climate nexus within your respective spheres of influence, and helping to prioritize and shape our shared ocean agenda. Signing The Ocean x Climate Appeal will invite you to our community where you will receive invitations to participate in bi-annual roundtables with those deeply embedded in multilateral climate negotiations, as well as resources, news, and updates on global ocean-climate wins. The Appeal: "I recognize the vital importance of the ocean in mitigating the climate crisis and sustaining all life on earth. I pledge to use my own voice to elevate the visibility of the ocean and I call on decision-makers and civil society to prioritize ocean-climate matters in their respective spheres of influence across policy-making, investments, research, education, media coverage, philanthropic support, content creation, technological innovation, and wherever else relevant. I pledge to stay informed on ocean-related news to the best of my ability, and to amplify solutions, honor local, traditional, and Indigenous wisdom, share knowledge, and collaborate where I can towards catalyzing positive change." "With my signature, I acknowledge that we live on a blue planet and I pledge to take action towards protecting the ocean and all it sustains."

Please sign your name. If you are signing on behalf of a business/organization, please sign the business or organization name.
Signee Type
For representatives of a business/organization, please use your business/organization administered email address. Oceanic Global may reach out to you to confirm employment and warranties of representation.
*Required for all businesses/organizations As the representative of a business/organization signing the Ocean X Climate Appeal, you warrant that you are an authorized representative and have the permission to bind the business/organization to this Appeal and its terms.
I certify I am over the age of 13.
  • 13-18
  • 19-25
  • 26-35
  • 36-50
  • 51-64
  • 65+
We need all voices represented in our shared ocean agenda. If you have any questions/comments/concerns you'd like to share for our next roundtable, or any feedback you'd like to share about The Ocean x Climate Appeal, please share here!
  • {name}
I accept the terms herein and Oceanic Global’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and agree to receive occasional emails about campaigns on Oceanic.Global. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Oceanic Global reserves the right to remove any party from the Appeal in case of misrepresentation, malfeasance, or misalignment with the Appeal or Oceanic Global’s mission. Each signee understands and acknowledges Oceanic Global may use information shared for its own marketing purposes and promotion of the Appeal’s mission. To promote The Appeal, Oceanic Global will only use the signee’s name, signee type, representative name, representative title, and country of origin (“Supporter Info”). Once approved by Oceanic Global, Supporter Info will be shared on Oceanic Global’s website to show support for the Appeal! All right, title, and interest in and to Oceanic Global’s intellectual property, platform, website, and The Appeal are and will remain the exclusive property of Oceanic Global and its licensors. Oceanic Global is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the United States and foreign countries. Nothing gives a signee the right to use the Oceanic Global name or any of its trademarks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. Terms of Use: Privacy Policy:

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