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There was no Full Board meeting in March 2020.
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I. Call to Order
I. Call to Order
No Full Board meeting in July 2014.
No Full Board meeting in August 2014.
The Transportation Committee did not meet in August 2024.
The Transportation Committee did not meet in January 2023.
The Transportation Committee did not meet in May 2022.
The Transportation Committee did not meet in June 2022.
The Transportation Committee did not meet in December 2021.
1. Update by the NYC Department of Transportation on the 14th Street Transit and Truck Priority Pilot Project
1. Report from the NYC Department of Transportation
1. Presentation from the NYC Department of Transportation on a proposal to improve pedestrian safety and mobility on 2nd Avenue, between East 30th Street and East 32nd Street
This meeting was cancelled.
1. Discussion on street closures and street use during coronavirus-related stay-at-home orders and beyond
1. Discussion on the use of open streets in Manhattan Community District 6
1. Continued discussion of resolution on outdoor dining
1. Presentation from the NYC Department of Transportation on protected bike lanes for 38th and 39th Streets
1. Presentation from Sam Schwartz Engineering on the “Queens Ribbon,” a pedestrian-bicycle bridge that would connect Queens to Manhattan
1. Presentation on a redesign of the 37th Street FDR Underpass
1. Application from Spanish Transportation Service Corporation for an Inter-City Bus Stop at 137 East 42nd Street between 3rd and Lexington Avenues
1. Presentation from the Bus Turnaround Coalition, a campaign for improving New York City’s bus system
1. Presentation by the MTA on changes in plans for L train repairs
1. Newsstand Application for location in front of 550 First Avenue, the southeast corner of First Avenue and East 33rd Street
1. A presentation by the MTA on a rehabilitation project for the Times Square-Grand Central 42nd Street shuttle
1. Presentation by the NYC Department of Transportation on 42nd Street bus lane enhancements within Community District 6
1. Discussion on 42nd Street bus lane enhancements within Community District 6
1. Review of bicycle safety programming
1. Presentation from Bike New York on bicycle safety courses and other cyclist training programs
1. Discussion of Proposal for Honorary Street Co-naming for Henry “Harry” T. Burleigh, at the southeast corner of 16th Street and 3rd Avenue
2. Readjusting traffic signal timing on 1st and 2nd Avenues to improve traffic flow for
3. Request for traffic calming measures on Gramercy Park North and Gramercy Park
4. Discussion on transportation-related budget priorities for the district
5. Chair’s Report
6. Old/New Business
1. Newsstand Application for location in front of 488 3rd Avenue, the northwest corner of 3rd Avenue and East 33rd Street
1. Presentation by NYC Dept. of Transportation on proposals for bike lanes on 2nd Avenue between 68th and 59th Streets
1. Newsstand Application for location in front of 250 Lexington Avenue, the northwest corner of East 34th Street and Lexington Avenue
1. Update on the L train shutdown by NYC Department of Transportation and MTA New York City Transit
1. Discussion regarding Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) criteria for abandoned newsstands
1. Discussion: MTA issues-
1a. Presentation: Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart - requesting support of co-naming E.19th St btw 2nd & 3rd Aves, Mother Cabrini Way. Reso.
1. Discussion: Updates and proposed DOT projects in the district
1a. Discussion: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Emergency Ventilation Plant. Possible Resolution.
1. Discussion: Citibike Update
1. Update on 37th Street MRI installation
1. Presentation: Regarding a reconfiguration of East 33rd Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues.
1. Request for 2 new inter-city bus stops at 631 3rd Ave and 829 3rd Ave by M & V Corporate Transportation, Inc.
1. Request for 2 new inter-city bus stops at 631 3rd Ave and 829 3rd Ave by M & V Corporate Transportation, Inc. dba Hampton Luxury Liner
1. Application for Newsstand at NE Corner of E 28th St. and 3rd Ave
1. New Inter-City Bus Stop Application for M&V Limousines Ltd. dba Hampton
1. DOT Presentation: 23rd St. SBS
1a. Discussion: 23rd St. SBS Poss. Reso..
1. DOT/MTA Updates: 1st Avenue Protected Bicycle Lane & M23 SBS.
1a. Presentation: NYCDOT on the 2nd Ave E 59th to 43rd Street Protected Bike Lane. Reso
1. Discussion & update: Sandy restoration of the Queens Midtown Tunnel, which is the concurrent project with the exit plaza roadway.
For this meeting, it was joint with the Public Safety & Environment Committee.
1a. Presentation: Proposed DOT and MTA Greater East Midtown public realm improvements. LAID OVER
1a. Presentation: Transportation Alternatives on Proposed transit corridor/PeopleWay on 14th for the L train shutdown and beyond. Poss. Reso.
Environment & Parks Minutes – February 6, 2024 (This meeting was canceled)
Environment & Parks Committee Minutes - April 2, 2024 (This meeting was canceled)
Parks, Landmarks & Cultural Affairs Minutes – September 3, 2024 (This meeting was canceled)
1. Discussion of CB6 Parks, Landmarks, & Cultural Affairs Committee budget requests
The Environment & Parks Committee did not meet in January 2023.
1. Presentation on the temporary installation of 9 sculptures by artist Carole Feuerman along the Park Avenue Malls between 34th and 38th Streets
Environment & Parks Minutes – July 4, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Environment & Parks Minutes – August 1, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Environment & Parks Committee Minutes – September 5, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Environment & Parks Minutes – November 7, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
There was no January 2022 meeting of the Environment & Parks Committee.
The Environment & Parks Committee did not meet in October 2022.
The Environment & Parks Committee did not meet in November 2022.
The Environment & Parks Committee did not meet in December 2022.
This meeting was canceled.
1. Discussion of mitigation of storm water flooding on streets and subterranean infrastructure
1. Discussion of mitigation of storm water flooding on streets and subterranean infrastructure
1. Presentation by the Department of Parks & Recreation on a temporary art installation on Park Avenue between 34th and 39th Streets
1. Presentation by the Department of Parks & Recreation on children’s playgrounds in Community District 6.
1. Report from the Department of Parks and Recreation on irrigation and maintenance at Community District 6’s Parks
The committee did not meet in April 2020.
This meeting was canceled.
1. Presentation by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the proposed design for the reconstruction of the St. Vartan Park playground
1. Continued discussion regarding the proposed design for the reconstruction of the St. Vartan Park playground
1. Presentation on schematic drawings for Bellevue South Park
1. Discussion of schematic drawings for Bellevue South Park
1. Resolution on proposed changes to Bellevue South Park
1. Certificate of Appropriateness to modify 209 East 16th Street, in order to redesign the play area
1. Discussion on the needs of the 54th Street Recreation Center
1. TSI East 41 LLC doing business as New York Sports Club (NYSC) seeks the extension of the term of a previously granted special permit allowing the operation of a physical culture establishment at 633 3rd Avenue and an extension of time to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy - BSA Calendar Number: 200-98-BZ
1. TSI East 41 LLC doing business as New York Sports Club (NYSC) seeks the extension of the term of a previously granted special permit allowing the operation of a physical culture establishment at 633 3rd Avenue and an extension of time to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy - BSA Calendar Number: 200-98-BZ
The committee held no meeting in June 2019.
1. Report from the Department of Parks and Recreation: Sutton & Glick Park Updates
1. Presentation by the Morgan Library and Museum regarding the landscaping, garden, and lighting plans in their renovations
1. Presentation by Alexandria Real Estate Equities on a new structure and plaza extension to be constructed on the Alexandria Life Science Center campus located at 29th and First Avenue
1. Presentation by the Department of Parks & Recreation on proposed designs for the renovation of the Tudor Grove and Mary O’Connor Playgrounds
The committee held no meeting in December 2019.
1. Request from Parks for Paws to expand OffLeash Hours at a Sutton Place Park
1. Certificate of Appropriateness to modify the stairs of the entrance to the landmarked building at 205 East 17th Street, as well as add a secondary entrance with ADA access and a new railing for safety
The committee held no meeting in March 2018.
1. Presentation by the Parks Department on a new public art project for Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
1. Presentation by the Department of Design and Construction on alterations to the façade of Epiphany Library at 228 East 23rd Street
1. Report from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
1. Presentation by the Parks Department on a new public art project for Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
1. Report from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
1. Certificate of Appropriateness to modify the Daily News Building on 220 East 42nd Street, in order to include an Americans with Disabilities Act access ramp on the sidewalk of the 41st Street side of the building
The committee held no meeting in December 2018.
The Strategic Community Planning committee held no meeting in September 2021.
1. Discussion on drafting a community plan for the Mount Sinai Beth Israel site
1. Discussion on drafting a community plan for the Mount Sinai Beth Israel site
1. Discussion on drafting a community plan for the Mount Sinai Beth Israel site
1. Discussion of previous 197-a goals
1.Review of the current status of CB6’s 197-a plan and planning options with the NYC Department of City Planning
The committee held no meeting in September 2019.
1. Continued discussion of community preferences in the forthcoming sale of the Beth Israel campus
1. Discussion on drafting a community plan for the Mount Sinai Beth Israel site
1. Discussion on drafting a community plan for the Mount Sinai Beth Israel site
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in January 2024.
Part I: Public Hearing
1. Discussion of the New York State Open Meetings Law
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in July 2024.
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in August 2024.
Part I: Public Hearing
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in April 2023.
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in September 2023.
Part I: Public Hearing
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in May 2022.
The June 2022 Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee meeting was canceled.
Part I: Public Hearing
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in November 2022.
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee did not meet in December 2022.
The committee held no meeting in March 2021.
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee held no meeting in June 2021.
The August 9, 2021 Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee meeting was cancelled.
Part I: Public Hearing
The Budget & Governmental Affairs Committee held no meeting in December 2021.
The committee held no meeting in January 2020.
The committee held no meeting in February 2020.
The Budget Committee canceled its meeting in March 2020.
The Ad Hoc Budget Committee held no meeting in April 2020.
1. Continued discussion on resolution on the New York City Police Department's Fiscal year 2021 budget
Part I: Public Hearing
1. Finalizing Manhattan Community Board Six’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget priorities
1. Discussion: Using the District Needs Statement and other resources throughout the year
This meeting was canceled.
1. Discussion on election reform bills
The committee held no meeting in February 2019.
Part I: Public Hearing
The committee held no meeting in April 2019.
The committee held no meeting in May 2019.
1. Review of responses to Manhattan Community Board Six’s budget requests for the Executive Budget of Fiscal Year 2020
Part I: Public Hearing
1. Finalizing Manhattan Community Board Six’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget priorities
The committee held no meeting in November 2019.
The committee held no meeting in December 2019.
1. Possible Resolution regarding City Council Legislation (Intro: 1494 and Intro: 1495) relating to the equitable siting of city facilities in neighborhoods.
1. Discussion on the newly released Citywide Statement of Needs for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020
1. Discussion of Intro. 1491, a bill to reform the Fair Share Law regarding siting of municipal facilities
The Budget Committee held no meeting in April 2018.
The Budget Committee held no meeting in June 2018.
Part I: Public Hearing
The Budget Committee held no meeting in October 2018.
The Budget Committee held no meeting in November 2018.
The Budget Committee held no meeting in December 2018.
Housing & Homelessness Committee Minutes – September 16, 2024 (This meeting was canceled)
The Housing & Homelessness Committee did not meet in January 2023.
1. Notification of a new permanent homeless shelter for families with children at 130 East 39th Street
Housing & Homelessness Minutes – June 19, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Housing & Homelessness Minutes – July 17, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Housing & Homelessness Minutes – August 21, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Housing & Homelessness Committee Minutes – October 16, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Housing & Homelessness Committee Minutes – November 20, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
The Housing & Homelessness Committee did not meet in March 2022.
The Housing & Homelessness Committee did not meet in June 2022.
The Housing & Homelessness Committee did not meet in December 2022.
The Housing & Homeless Committee held no meeting in June 2021
The Housing & Homelessness Committee held no meeting on September 20, 2021.
The Housing & Homelessness Committee did not meet in December 2021.
1. Presentation by NY Renews on TheNew York State Climate and Community Protection Act
1. Discussion of Funding for State Department of Homes and Community Renewal
This meeting was cancelled.
1. Discussion of how our elected officials and shelters have worked with our shelters and unhoused population during the COVID19 pandemic
1. Continued discussion on resolution on the New York City Police Department's Fiscal year 2021 budget
1. Presentation from the Friends Shelter on how the committee and community can assist in their work
1.Presentation from Council Member Levine’s office on Intro. 1234-2018 and Intro. 1261-2018 regarding hate crime prevention
1. Presentation from Urban Homesteading Assistance Board and the New Economy Project on housing co-operatives and community land trusts
1. Discussion of District Needs/Budget Requests for 28th Street Area
In lieu of a committee meeting in May 2019, the committee organized a forum on combating hate crimes through education. You can watch that forum here.
1. Discussion of District Needs/Budget Requests for 28th Street Area
1. Presentation from U.S. Census Bureau on 2020 Census
1. Presentation by Community League of the Heights (CLOTH) on their proposed social services for the 344 East 28th Street PACT Conversion
1. Presentation by the Drug Policy Alliance on Safe Consumption Sites
1. Discussion of City Council legislation Intro. 1353-2019, in relation to sidewalk shed inspections
1. Report from the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence
1. Presentation by Muzzy Rosenblatt (BRC) to provide updates on 17th Street Safe Haven
1. Presentation by the Comptroller's Office on Audit of City-Owned Vacant Lots
1. Discussion of Survey Results on Committee Priorities
1. Report on ongoing committee project to investigate allotment of affordable housing units in Community District 6
1. Presentation from the Community Service Society on Intro.0601-2018, a bill that would require the mayor to submit a fair affordable housing plan to the Council.
1. Presentation from the New York State Nurses Association on the matter of minimum safe staffing ratios throughout the New York City Health + Hospital System.
This committee met jointly with the Health & Education committee on Tuesday, September 25th.
1. Presentation from the New York State Nurses Association on the matter of minimum safe staffing ratios throughout the New York City Health + Hospital System.
1. Phipps Plaza East application to preserve affordable units through the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s Inclusionary Housing program
1. Discussion of New York City Council Intro 1171-2018 - a bill that requires the Department of Buildings (DOB) and the Department of Finance (DOF) to share information in order to identify cases of false statements regarding occupied and rent-regulated housing
1.Discussion of draft resolution supporting New York City Council Intro 1171-2018 and New York State Senate Bills S8573 and S8810 requiring the DOB to identify cases of false statements regarding occupied and rent-regulated housing
Housing & Homelessness Committee Meeting Minutes – January 20, 2025 (This meeting was canceled).
The Executive Committee did not meet in June 2024.
The Executive Committee did not meet in December 2024.
The June 21, 2023 Executive Committee meeting was canceled.
The July 19, 2023 Executive Committee meeting was canceled.
The August 16, 2023 Executive Committee meeting was canceled.
The October 18, 2023 Executive Committee meeting was canceled.
The Executive Committee did not meet in December 2023.
The Executive Committee did not meet in December 2022.
The Executive Committee did not meet in March 2021.
The Executive Committee did not meet in July 2021.
The Executive Committee did not meet in March 2020.
1. Presentation from the NYC Economic Development Corporation on the proposed United Nations Esplanade Greenway Project
The Land Use & Waterfront Committee did not meet in July 2024.
1. Public Hearing: A private developer’s and NYC Economic Development Corporation’s ULURP applications to facilitate the development of a new 270-foot-tall, approximately 443,680 zsf, commercial life sciences building called Innovation East at 455 First Avenue, which consists of:
1. Presentation from the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project Parallel Conveyance Project on work on Avenue C between East 18th Street and East 23rd Street, and East 20th Street between Avenue C and the 20th Street Loop
The Land Use & Waterfront Committee did not meet in November 2024.
The Land Use & Waterfront Committee did not meet in June 2021.
The Land Use & Waterfront Committee held no meeting in September 2021.
There was no committee meeting in December 2021.
1. Presentation by the Department of Parks & Recreation on renovations to the topside of Waterside Pier
1. Discussion of Areas to Rezone for Affordable Housing in Community District 6
1. Transit easement certification application for 609 2nd Avenue
1. China Liangtse Wellness Spa seeks a 10-year Special Permit for the operation of a Physical Cultural Establishment located at 150 East 55th Street, BSA Calendar Number: 2017-181-BZ
1.The Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church seeks an exemption from lot coverage and floor area limits for a proposed enlargement at 138 East 39th Street - BSA Calendar Number: 2019-06-BZ
1. An application from Friends Seminary to install a rooftop greenhouse which would cause the building to exceed the normal height limit by 9 feet 7.25 inches – Application Number N190264 ZCM
1. Renewal Application for an Enclosed Sidewalk Cafe for PMC Corp doing business as The Abbey Tavern at 354 3rd Avenue with 8 Tables and 18 Chairs
1. Presentation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Construction Fraud Task Force
1. Carob Bean Realty Corp. II c/o Troutman Sanders LLP seeks to reinstate a previously granted variance at 134 East 38th Street to permit office use
1. Presentation by Alexandria Real Estate Equities on a new structure and plaza
1. Presentation from Maddd Equities regarding their plans for the Bridgemarket Space at 407 East 59th Street
1. Presentation by the EDC on the preliminary design for Solar Two
1. Public Hearing and Resolution regarding the rezoning of 339-345 East 33rd Street (Calendar # 170380ZMM and 170381ZRM)
1. Application for an Enclosed Sidewalk Cafe of 17 tables and 34 chairs from East Drogheda, Inc. dba The Gem Saloon at 375 Third Avenue.
The committee held no meeting in April 2018.
1. Board of Standards and Appeals application (Calendar No. 390-61-BZ), seeking to extend a
1. Application by Crunch Fitness for a Special Permit for the operation of a Physical Cultural Establishment located at 511 Lexington Avenue. BSA Calendar Number: 2018-60-BZ
The committee held no meeting in July 2018.
1. Renewal Application for an Enclosed Sidewalk Cafe for Mimi's at 984 2nd Avenue with 12 Tables and 42 Chairs
The committee held no meeting in September 2018.
1. Presentation by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) on a request for proposals for an operator at the East 34th Street Heliport
1. Update on the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) Project
1. Public Hearing on ULURP Application C180481 ZMM, an application to rezone 245 East 53rd Street to allow for commercial uses on the ground floors in the rezoning area
Youth & Education Committee Minutes – January 23, 2024 (This meeting was canceled).
Youth & Education Committee Minutes – March 26, 2024 (This meeting was canceled).
Youth & Education Committee Minutes – April 23, 2024 (This meeting was canceled).
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in February 2023.
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in April 2023.
Business Affairs & Licensing Minutes – June 27, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Youth & Education Minutes – July 25, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Youth & Education Minutes – August 22, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Youth & Education Minutes – September 26, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Youth & Education Committee Minutes – November 28, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Youth & Education Minutes – December 26, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in March 2022.
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in May 2022.
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in June 2022.
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in September 2022.
1. Chair's Report
The Youth & Education Committee did not meet in December 2022.
The committee held no meeting in April 2021.
There was no Youth & Education Committee meeting in June 2021.
There was no Youth & Education Committee meeting in September 2021.
There was no Youth & Education Committee meeting in December 2021.
1. Discussion related to students with learning disabilities and dyslexia in NYC schools
1. Update on the methadone clinic facility at 25th Street and 2nd Avenue
The committee held no meeting in March 2020.
This meeting was cancelled.
This meeting was cancelled.
1. Presentation from Sam Schwartz Engineering on the “Queens Ribbon,” a pedestrian-bicycle bridge that would connect Queens to Manhattan
1. Update on school reopenings
1. Discussion on COVID-19 and school reopenings
1. Discussion on COVID-19 and school reopenings
1. Presentation by the Manhattan Leadership Council, a group comprised of students representing their schools, on proposed legislation that would provide each NYC school a full-time social worker and implement a mental health curriculum across NYC schools
1. Discussion of NY Health Act, a piece of legislation that would bring universal healthcare to New York
1. Presentation from Lower Eastside Service Center on Medication-Assisted Treatment for those suffering with Opioid Use Disorder
1. Discussion on the New York Health Act (State Senate Bill S3577/State Assembly Bill A5248), a bill that would establish a state-wide single payer health care system
1. Presentation by NYU Langone Health on their Community Service Plan
The committee held no meeting in June 2019.
1. Presentation from Mount Sinai Beth Israel on lung cancer screenings for high risk patients
1. Update from the NYC School Construction Authority on work at Washington Irving High School
1. Continued discussion on nurse-to-patient ratios in New York State
The committee held no meeting in December 2019.
1. Possible resolution on establishing funding for homeless students in schools.
1. Presentation from NYU Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Family Support Program
1. Presentation from the Child Study Center at NYU Department of Psychiatry
1. Presentation by the Bellevue Hospital Detox Unit
1. Presentation by Baruch College regarding an initiative to prevent underage drinking and substance abuse and the creation of a community coalition to advance the goal
The Health & Education Committee held no meeting in June 2018.
1. Update from Beth Israel Methadone Clinic
1. Presentation from EMS in Community District 6 regarding protocols when 911 is called
The Health & Education Committee did not meet in December 2018.
Business Affairs & Licensing Committee Minutes – June 27, 2024 (This meeting was canceled)
1. Follow up discussion with the NY Nail Salon Workers Association
1. New On Premises license for Watami Lee 88 Inc. doing business as Watami at 913 2nd Avenue
1. New On Premises license for Thai Food Near MeLLC doing business as Thai Food Near Me at 625 2nd Avenue
1. Discussion of ongoing noise issues at the Broken Shaker at the Freehand Hotel, located at 23Lexington Avenue
Business Affairs & Licensing Minutes – June 29, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Business Affairs & Licensing Committee Minutes – July 27, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
Business Affairs & Licensing Committee Minutes – August 31, 2023 (This meeting was canceled)
1. Announcement that Lower Manhattan Dialysis Center 2 at 187 Third Avenue is closing
1. Renewal On Premises license for "23 Lexington Tenant LLC, The Freehand Hotel Company LLC, Guest Lab NYC LLC, Happy Places Gramercy LLC, 23 Lexington Mezzanine LLC and, Worth Kitchen LLC" doing business as Freehand New York, Georgia Room, Bar Calico, Comodo, Broken Shaker at 23 Lexington Avenue
The Business Affairs & Licensing Committee did not meet in July 2022.
The Business Affairs & Licensing Committee did not meet in August 2022.
The Business Affairs & Licensing Committee did not meet in December 2022.
The Business Affairs & Licensing Committee held no meeting in August 2021.
1. Method of Operation Change for Public House NYC LLC doing business as Public House NYC LLC at 622 3rd Avenue
1. Discussion with local Business Improvement Districts about the state of businesses in Community District 6
1. Continued discussion of resolution on outdoor dining
1. Discussion of Consumer Bill of Responsibilities to help educate the public on business re-openings
This meeting was canceled.
1. Presentation from the Department of Small Business Services on their Commercial Lease Assistance program
1. New Wine, Beer, & Cider License for City DIY Workshop LLC at 232 Third Avenue
1. New On Premises License for 135 J & I Restaurant Group LLC at 135 East 55th Street
1. New On Premises Liquor License for BP CGC Ii Retail Operator LLC et. al at 601 Lexington Avenue
1. New On Premises Liquor License for A & L of NY Corp at 164 East 56th Street
1. Renewal of an On Premises Liquor License for 411 Rest Corp. doing business as Tonic East at 411 East 3rd Avenue
1.Renewal of an Unenclosed Sidewalk Cafe for E & R U.S. Ventures LLC doing business as Hummus Kitchen with 4 Tables and 10 Chairs at 444 3rd Avenue
1. New Wine, Beer & Cider License for New Oishi Bay Sushi Inc at 230 East 29th Street
1. New On Premises Liquor License for Two Bridge Tavern LLC at 360 3rd Avenue
1. Method of Operation Change of an Existing Wine, Beer & Cider License for Nobi Sushi Inc at 437 3rd Avenue
1. Renewal of an On Premises License for The Freehand New York et al. doing business Freehand New York at 23 Lexington Avenue
1. Alteration of an Existing On Premises Liquor License for Barnea Bistro LLC at 211 East 46th Street
1. Resolution: New WBC Lic. for Alhorno Lean Mexican 57 Inc dba Alhorno Lean Mexican Kitchen. 1089 2nd Avenue btw 57th & 58th Streets.
1. Resolution: Modification DCA App for unenclosed SWC, 9 tables, 30 chairs, for Hane Sushi Inc dba Hane Sushi, 346 1st Ave btw 20th & 21st Sts.
1. Resolution: New On Premises License for 380 East Ventures LLC, 380 3rd Ave between 27th and 28th Streets.
1. Resolution: Temporary Beer and Wine Licenses for Solar One, 24-20 FDR Drive Service Road East
1. Resolution: New On Premises License for AWOL Ventures LLC. doing business as AWOL Bar and Grill, 337 3rd Ave between 24th and 25th Streets
1) Resolution: New On Premises License for Midtown Eats LLC. 319 E. 53rd Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues.
1. Resolution: New Sidewalk Cafe License for Le Garage Corp. doing business as Wanderlust, 1004 2nd Avenue between 53rd and 54th Streets
1. New Sidewalk Cafe License for Third Ave Food Corp. doing business as Tivoli Cafe, 283 3rd Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets
1) Resolution: New Sidewalk Cafe License for 380 East Ventures LLC doing business as Factory 380, 380 3rd Avenue between 27th and 28th Streets
1.Resolution: New Wine/Beer/Cider License for 161 Eats LLC. 161 Lexington Avenue between 30th and 31st Streets
1. New On Premises License for 447 3rd Ave Food Corp. doing business as Eros Meze at 447 3rd Avenue
1. Renewal of a Sidewalk Cafe Application for Elevated 959 LLC doing business as The Pullmen Kitchen at 959 2nd Avenue (4 Tables/8 Chairs)
The May 2017 Business Affairs & Street Activities Committee minutes are unavailable.
The Health & Environment Committee did not meet in May 2024.
The Health & Environment Committee did not meet in June 2024.
The Health & Environment Committee did not meet in July 2024.
The Health & Environment Committee did not meet in August 2024.
The Health & Environment Committee did not meet in December 2024.
The Health & Human Services Committee did not meet in October 2023.
The Health & Human Services Committee did not meet in December 2023.
The Health & Human Services Committee did not meet in June 2022.
There was no Health & Human Services Committee meeting in October 2022.
The Health & Human Services Committee held no meeting in September 2021.
The Health & Human Services Committee held no meeting in October 2021.
The Public Safety & Sanitation Committee did not meet in January 2025.
The Public Safety & Sanitation Committee did not meet in February 2025.
The Public Safety & Sanitation Committee did not meet in July 2024.
The Public Safety & Sanitation Committee did not meet in August 2024.
1. Preliminary discussion on abating the riding of electric bicycles and scooters on sidewalks
The Public Safety & Sanitation Committee did not meet in October 2024.
The Public Safety Committee did not meet in June 2023.
The Public Safety Committee did not meet in September 2023.
The October 2023 Public Safety Committee meeting was canceled.
1. Discussion of public safety in the NYPD 13th and 17th Precincts
The Public Safety Committee did not meet in December 2023.
The Public Safety Committee did not meet in March 2022.
The Public Safety Committee did not meet in November 2022.
The Public Safety Committee did not meet in December 2022.
The Public Safety Committee held no meeting in June 2021.
The Public Safety Committee held no meeting on September 16, 2021.
The Public Safety Committee held no meeting in December 2021.
The Bylaws Committee did not meet in June 2022.
The Bylaws Committee did not meet in October 2022.
The Bylaws Committee did not meet in December 2022.