Female Founders Challenge ACT NOW Award, African Challenge
Submission for Start-ups
Logo *
Attach file
Drop files here
Business Model/Solution Description *
- {name}
Pitch Deck *
Please explain in the pitch deck why your start-up fulfils at least one of the criteria "Impact, Innovation or Performance".
Attach file
Drop files here
Photo *
Shots in portrait format (also group photos of the team) - Neutral background - no black and white shots - half figure with sufficient surroundings - Minimum pix width portrait 6000 the height would be about 9000px, at a resolution of 300dpi - Finalist photos will be used at the Challenge and for our Social Media Posts
Attach file
Drop files here
How many percent of the permanent employees are women? *
- {name}
How many percent of the volunteers are women? *
- {name}
How many percent of those persons that hold a job at management level are woman and what is their position? *
- {name}
Value women empowerment *
statement about the value of women empowerment in your company
- {name}
Consent *
By checking this box, I acknowledge the encourageventures Privacy Policy (https://encourage-ventures.com/datenschutz). I also understand that encourageventures will use the data provided in accordance with the Privacy Policy and may contact me regarding this inquiry. I hereby grant permission to encourageventures to use photographs and/or videos of me in publications, news releases and/or official social media channels.
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