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Crisis Resource Submission Form

Fill out the form below to submit resources for emergency preparedness and crisis management.

In case we need to reach out for additional info.
In case we need to reach out for additional info.
Enter a short title for your submission.
Short Description
Describe your content piece in 2 - 3 sentences.
  • {name}
Enter the primary author's first and last name.
Content Type or Format
Select the type of content you're submitting.
Keywords or Tags
Please suggest 3 - 5 keywords or tags that relate to the topic or will help better catalog the piece; separated by commas. (i.e. workspace planning, San Diego Chapter, etc.)
  • {name}
Add all files, images and assets for the content. (Accepted file types: (.docx, .pdf, .mp3, .mp4)
Attach file
Drop files here
Backlink source
Topic or primary area of focus
I agree to IFMA's Content Licensing Agreement
You can read our content licensing agreement here:

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