
Lorem ipsum

Intro to Lean Startup: NSF I-Corps Method - August 21, August 23, & August 28

Course requirements: 1) Team of 2-4 people 2) Attendance of all team members at all Zoom class sessions (August 21, August 23, & August 28) @ 5-8pm PST 3) 20-30 hours of work per teammate outside of class Application Deadline: August 4

If you don't have a name yet, use a short (2-3 words) descriptive title
If available
What does (or would) your product or service do? What problem are you trying to solve?
100 word max
  • {name}
Who do you think your potential customers are? Have you done anything to validate this?
100 word max
  • {name}
At what stage of development are you?
100 word max
  • {name}
Is your idea based on a technology innovation that you have invented or are licensing? Please include the status of any patents, issued or provisional.
100 word max
  • {name}
What do you want to get out of I-Corps?
100 word max
  • {name}
Which of the following best describe your stage?
Include all that apply
First and last name
First and last name
First and last name
Other team members
Name and email
  • {name}
Is there anything else you would like us to consider in your application?
  • {name}
Don't change this. We need it for our records.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form