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Sweet Caroline and the Football Boots workshop

Thank you for your interest in taking part in We Make Culture's FREE music and football sessions with NE Sport. We will be running the sessions on 3rd and 10th February at the Rotunda, Monkwearmouth School from 4pm-5pm. This form is to indicate your interest in attending the football and music sessions.

We will use this in case of emergency.
Please let us know date and time of session.
Photo permissions
I give We Make Culture permission to take photographs, video recordings and sound recordings of my child that may be used for We Make Culture’s internal and external publications, newsletters, presentations, websites, social media and local/national newspaper articles. We will always obtain consent from the Young Person in addition to this.
Work consent
We Make Culture will be collecting sounds recordings of sounds/ chants etc. produced at workshops to use in the final performance piece. I give We Make Culture permission to use my child's work in the final performance. We will always obtain consent from the Young Person in addition to this.
Additional Needs
Please tell us about any additional needs, allergies or any thing else you'd like us to be made aware of to keep your child safe.
  • {name}
Your contact information will be stored by We Make Culture in accordance to GDPR guidelines. We Make Culture will use this data to contact you in regards to our children and young people's programme. This data may also be used for monitoring purposes. Should you wish for your data to be removed from our records, or to remove your permission for any of the above, you can so do by e-mailing If you want to know more about how and why we store data please request our young people's privacy policy using the above email address. Please tick to confirm you have read this.

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form