Gloucester County's Public Comment Submission
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend in person meetings. If attendance in person is not possible, you are invited to engage and participate in meetings of certain groups by submitting comments through one of the means identified at Comments may be submitted via this online form until 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting selected. Comments will be read aloud during that section of the meeting up to the set time limit. Comments submitted anonymously or with fictitious names will not be read. Your submission may be rejected by the system if it contains words or phrases that could be deemed spam or profane. PLEASE NOTE: In keeping with the format for public meetings, comments may only be submitted once per person for each comment period/public hearing selected. If more than one comment is submitted per selection, only the last comment submission will be read. Do not use this form for School Board meetings. Comments for School Board meetings may be made at the meeting or by calling (804) 693-5842 beginning the Friday prior to each monthly meeting at 5 p.m. and ending the Monday prior to the meeting at 8 p.m. (Schedules may vary for work sessions but are listed on the agenda when published.)