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NYCBenefits Application

The deadline to submit this application has been extended to Friday, September 16, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST. The COVID-19 pandemic created a health and economic crisis unlike anything seen in recent memory. While all New Yorkers suffered, some communities were hit harder than others. Though much of the city is turning the corner toward economic recovery, many New Yorkers continue to need the vital lifeline provided by government benefits, like low-cost health insurance, rental assistance payments, small business tax credits, food benefits, and direct cash assistance. This is why the Adams administration has committed $250 million dollars annually – the first increase in over 20 years – to enhance the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This investment, combined with Governor Hochul’s $100 million one-time increase, will increase access to essential items like food, rent, and utilities for the 800,000 eligible New Yorkers and will supercharge New York City’s economic recovery. The EITC expansion is just the beginning of this administration’s commitment to galvanizing resources across New York City to remove bureaucratic and technological roadblocks, to expand outreach efforts and leverage the power of community-based organizations to ensure that all New Yorkers get the support they and their families need. NYCBenefits will take a systematic approach to resolving these issues by focusing on the individuals in need and the institutions that serve them. NYCBenefits aims to ensure all New Yorkers in need and eligible for a service are aware of the services available to them, that those services are accessible to them, that those individuals complete enrollment, and stay enrolled, in those services. NYCBenefits will also work with institutions by providing further structure and funding to unify and fortify the social service benefits ecosystem. Read the full RFP at

Headquarter Address

Does your organization have 501(c)3 status OR the fiscal sponsorship of a 501(c)3 organization?
WHO YOU SERVE ________________________________________________________ Special Populations
Please select ALL special populations that you work with from the list below
  • NYC children who have lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19
  • Unhoused individuals
  • Families with children
  • Mixed-status immigrant households and undocumented immigrants
  • Formerly incarcerated New Yorkers
  • Newly eligible populations due to COVID-19
  • Survivors of domestic or gender based violence
  • Members of the disability community
  • Seniors
  • Other (please specify and provide data to explain need in next question)
Other populations served
  • {name}
Please select ALL racial or ethnic groups that you work with from the list below
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Hispanic/Latino
Service Provision - Borough
Please note ALL of the communities you currently provide services within from the list below. If you provide services equally throughout New York City, please select "city-wide".
  • Bronx
  • Brooklyn
  • Manhattan
  • Queens
  • Staten Island
  • City-wide
Physical Locations
Please select the boroughs where you have a physical presence.
  • Bronx
  • Brooklyn
  • Manhattan
  • Queens
  • Staten Island
Which type of funding are you applying for?
Please note, you may apply for any dollar within this range when you submit your proposed budget at the end of this application.
If you do not receive the amount your organization requests in your proposed budget, would you still like to move forward with this award?
Award amount decisions will be made based on proposals and at the sole discretion of the Review and Selection committee.
How many full-time employees currently work at your organization?
How many, if any, part-time or temporary employees work at your organization? Please provide their full-time equivalency (FTE).
Does your CBO have one or more staff primarily focused on benefits?
Please describe your organization’s capacity to engage in culturally- and linguistically-competent benefits access outreach and case management work in your proposed communities. How does your organization’s staff reflect/represent the communities you work in?

Please indicate the languages spoken by one or more of your organization’s existing staff members who will work on this program?
Please check ALL that apply.
  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • Bengali
  • Haitian
  • Korean
  • Arabic
  • Urdu
  • French
  • Polish
  • Other (Please explain in next question)
Other languages spoken by one or more of your organizations existing staff members:

Briefly describe your agency’s overall capacity to successfully fulfill your proposed deliverables, including administrative capacity, fiscal health, etc.?
Please refer to the RFP document for proposed deliverables.

Please share any relevant changes in the community you serve as a result of the pandemic and how your organization will address any new and/or greater needs.

Value to Communities Served
In this section, we are interested in learning more about your organization’s accomplishments, particularly how they relate to successful engagement with the communities you propose to work in under this grant. No single measure is a requirement – you will not be penalized, for example, for not having previously received City funding. Taken together, though, your answers should demonstrate an ability to engage those communities most at risk of being underserved. Please feel free to provide an overview in this box and answer more in-depth in the subsequent questions below.

Measurable and attributable success stories
Please share recent success stories about your organization's work. We are particularly interested in any new or innovative methods of outreach and/or ongoing case management your organization has implemented.

What challenges has your organization faced in enrolling eligible New Yorkers in benefits and how did you navigate them? What barriers to participation do you anticipate for NYCBenefits, and how will you overcome them?

Self-evaluation and Response
How does your organization improve its work? Do you have a system in place to evaluate your ongoing work and refine approaches based on lessons learned? If so, describe an example of this.

Metrics Tracking
What systems do you have in place for tracking and measuring outcomes and impact? Please describe them below, including any software programs you use.

Previous Funding
Has your organization previously received funding support from the City? If yes, please describe the type, amount of funding, when it was received, and the outcomes you delivered.

Benefits Access Proposed Scope of Work
Please include a narrative on the proposed scope of work and contract deliverables you will commit to if you receive funding for this project. Additionally, as relevant, address the below questions in your response. 1. How will you expand your capacity and what specific activities will your organization undertake if you receive funding? 2. What are new needs in the communities you serve, new sub-populations that you do not currently serve and/or new benefits programs you would prioritize if you received funding through this RFP? 3. If you are new to benefits access work, describe the current work that you will build on to offer benefits access services to your community (type of work, staff, infrastructure, partnerships, etc.). 4. For Technical Assistance and Backbone Providers, what resources, materials, trainings, etc. will you produce to support the CBOs in your cohort?

Based on your proposed scope of work, how would you measure impact?
For Service Providers: e.g. # of people enrolled in benefits, # of people who stay enrolled in benefits, # of people enrolled in new benefits, # of days out of hospital, # of days in new job. For technical assistance & backbone providers: e.g. #of CBO staff trained, #of new benefit program trainings, etc.

Are there other ways your organization measures success?
Please share if applicable.

How would your organization coordinate and track progress of long-term goals?

What size team will you need to reach your case management and outreach goals?
Please include, and specify, full-time staff, part-time staff and volunteers.

Do you plan to subcontract?
If yes, please provide a brief summary on what work you plan to subcontract.
The expectation is that the core of the contracted work will be completed by your organization. If there is work that you believe will need to be subcontracted, please describe it here. Please note, approval of subcontracts will be subject to review by the RFP Review and Selection committee.

Please upload your proposed budget for contracted work.
Budget template can be found in the RFP Appendix or at the following link:
Attach file
Drop files here
Please provide links to documents such as community needs statements, reports, or other products of community engagement that might be helpful in this review process. Please also feel free to upload any letters of support from neighborhood associations, community leaders, and other stakeholders.
This is optional and at your discretion.

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