48 Blocks 2021 Story Bank
Welcome to Stories of Atlantic City's 2021 48 Blocks story bank! 48 Blocks Atlantic City is the flagship program of the Atlantic City Arts Foundation, which includes a city-wide art & cultural celebration and Atlantic City’s largest mural arts program. SOAC is honored to collaborate with the Arts Foundation to bring more appreciation and love for art to the city! Stories of Atlantic City is dedicated to telling the untold stories of the city and its people, documenting their resilience, creativity, and spirit. Art is a powerful tool offering a form of expression that goes beyond words. We want to know where you're drawing your inspiration from! Stories come in many forms; if you would like to make a video or audio recording, we would love to see what you create. We truly value you sharing your story with us. We recognize that it is your story and you own it, and that some stories may be intimate. If at any point you want to change your story's status -- public to not public, viewable to not viewable -- we will be happy to make that change.