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Poll Official Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in working the polls. Applicants must be a registered voter in Davidson County and at least 16 years of age. If you are not yet a registered voter, or need to verify that your registration is up to date, you can check at this link (This is the Tennessee Online Voter Registration System). PLEASE NOTE: If you have applied or have worked a Davidson County Election in the past, please do not apply again. Call or email our office to get restarted. 615-862-4372 or

Please select your application type below:
How did you hear about becoming a Poll Official?
Please indicate the areas of town you are willing to serve as a Poll Official on Election Day (select all that apply):
  • All areas - send me where needed
  • East Nashville
  • Goodlettsville/Madison
  • Green Hills/Brentwood
  • Hermitage/Donelson
  • North Nashville
  • South Nashville
  • Urban Core
  • West Nashville
Do you prefer to "mostly sit" or "mostly stand" on Election Day?
- Registrars who help check-in voters will primarily be sitting down. - Operators who help voters at the voting booths will primarily be standing.
Metro employees, we will need your Employee #.
Are you currently running for public office or serving as a publicly elected official?
(You may skip this question if not applicable)
ie. mm/dd/yyyy
(Email is our primary means of sending required training and Election Day updates)
What is your preferred communication method?
You can pick more than one.
  • Email
  • Text
  • Phone
Party Affiliation
All Poll Officials must serve on Election Day before being considered to work Early Voting. Early Voting workers are chosen from committed Election Day Poll Officials.
Please indicate if you are interested in serving as an Early Voting worker in the future.
I understand the Davidson County Election Commission will only use my email address and telephone number for communication related Poll Official activities and will not sell or distribute this information. Poll Official activities may include email, phone calls, and texts ranging from general communication to emergency communication on Election Day.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form