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Disclosure of Harm Form

Disclosure of Harm: Disclosure of harm occurs when someone, including a child, tells you about the harm that has happened, is happening, or is likely to happen to a child. Disclosures of harm may start with: - I think I saw... - Somebody told me that… - Just think you should know… - I‘m not sure what I want you to do, but… 👀 More Information Can Be Found Here:

🌳 Woodland Campuses
Please select the relevant Woodlands Campus.
🎫 Report Type
(Please Confirm - Disclosure of Harm Form)
🔀 Are they related to the child?
🗨 What did the person disclose?
Try to use the exact words they used. Use “I said” “they said” statements, including any questions you asked and comments you made

📅 What date did the person make the disclosure?
Include Time & Date
  • {name}
📅 Where did the disclosure occur?
  • {name}
👂 Was anyone else present during the disclosure?
🧾 Have you followed the procedure in the Child Protection Policy for making a report?
(State Yes or No) Describe the actions you have taken following the disclosure

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