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aequa | Design Action Teams

Thursday, Feb 25th, 19:00-20:00 (Berlin time) Zoom link will be sent via email the day of the event. Sign up below for a special, virtual "Action Teams" edition of aequa's Designer Peer Support Group. Action Teams is a give-get exchange with a small team of participants. You give your feedback, advice, and ideas to help others break through current challenges. In exchange, they help you break through your blocks, too. For more info about Designer Peer Support Groups:

Would you like to sign up for the aequa newsletter?
They're sent once or twice a month on average.
What kind of design, illustration, or research do you practice/have an interest in?
  • {name}
What challenge are you thinking about sharing with the group?
You can change this later if you want.
  • {name}

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