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Editor Application Form

Which position?
Please note that Editors for our company do both developmental and copyediting.
  • Fiction Developmental + Copyediting
  • NonFiction Developmental + Copyediting
Which country
Editing experience?
What is your editing experience? How long have you worked as an editor? What types of content have you edited before?
  • {name}
Please explain the role of copy editor
In your own words
  • {name}
Please explain the role of developmental editor
In your own words
  • {name}
Along with your experience, do you use any sites, forums, or software?
  • {name}
What makes great writing in your opinion?
  • {name}
How fast can you copy edit a 50K-word book?
  • {name}
What are your favorite subjects to read?
  • {name}
Editing Tests
Finally, we would like to test your copyediting and developmental abilities. Take the respective copyediting test (fiction or nonfiction) and developmental editing test). COPY TEST The copy includes sentence flow issues, awkward sentences, grammar errors, misused words, etc. Polish the piece to the best of your ability! DEV TEST Provide an analysis to the writer of the piece and make suggestions regarding the key elements such as the scenes, characters, dialogue, etc. Essentially, do your thing on it! STEPS 1. Access the test below. 2. Save a copy in Google Docs. 3. Turn on "Suggesting Mode" so that we can track your changes. Rename the file to "YourLastName_HGW.FCopyEditTest" (fiction test), as "YourLastName_HGW.NFCopyEditTest" (nonfiction test) and "YourLastName_HGW.DevEditTest" (developmental editing test) depending on which test you are taking. 4. Download the file in .docx format and Upload the file below. Note: If you are applying for both Fiction and Non Fiction then you need to complete both tests. Again, please use SUGGESTING MODE so that we can easily see the changes you've made. TESTS: Fiction Test: Nonfiction Test: Development Editing Test: Attention: By clicking 'Submit' below, you agree to not share the tests. After completion and submission to Hotghostwriter, please delete the tests from your computer.
Attach file
Drop files here
  • {name}

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