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Community Sponsorship Champions

Apply to be a Sponsor Refugees' Community Sponsorship Champion. You can read a full role description here:

Which activities would you like to contribute to?
Please select all that apply. Explanations: Group Mentors: Are matched with a new CS group - provide advice and encouragement as they apply and welcome a family. Topic Mentors: Provide advice to multiple groups on a specific area of expertise (e.g. ESOL, Universal Credit, Cultural Awareness) Lunch & Learns: Fortnightly zoom calls with CS groups, on specific topics. See here: Portal: our online step-by-step guide to CS. See here:
  • Group Mentor
  • Topic Mentor
  • Speak at Lunch & Learns
  • Speak to the Media
  • Organise Outreach Events
  • Speak at Events
  • Write resources for the Portal
  • Build groups in local area
For example, perhaps you have become a Universal Credit guru, are an experienced ESOL teacher, or have lived experience of being a refugee?
Would you happy for us to share your contact details with CS groups?
In particular, if we think you could provide helpful advice in an area of your expertise? (Select all that apply)
  • Yes - Email
  • Yes - Phone Number
  • Please check with me first
Please provide a reference - this should be someone who you have worked with in Community Sponsorship - i.e. a group member, Lead Sponsor, or family member.
Are there any days or times you are NOT usually available?
  • {name}
Are you already providing mentorship to Community Sponsorship groups, or doing outreach activities?
Please give details here. This is so that we can monitor workload, and ensure no one person takes on too much.
  • {name}
Any additional comments?
  • {name}

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