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Annual Meeting Follow Up

Design Museum is thrilled to be kicking off 2021 with some incredible new programs and we are looking forward to getting you involved! Please let us know what you are most excited about!

Let us know which programs you are most excited about or want to learn more about (Please select all that apply)
  • Joining the Design Museum Council
  • Online Community
  • Diversity in Action Training
  • Design Museum Magazine: Policing Issue
  • Bespoke Bodies Book
Design & Policing
Is the role that design plays in policing an important topic for Design Museum to be working on right now?
We need to raise $6k on the first day of our Policing Issue Kickstarter to become a "Project We Love" and get featured by Kickstarter. Can we count on you to pledge on day 1?
What topics should we be exploring in 2021?
  • {name}

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