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Peer Counselor Application Form

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Peer Counselor with Peer Collective! We're on a mission to radically increase access to mental health support. How this will work: 1. Please fill out the form below. 2. Within a few days, you will receive an invite to our screening assessment from a platform called Skillsetter. (Check your spam folder). That video assessment is the main tool we use to measure your peer counseling skills. 3. If you pass the video assessment, you will need become a Certified Recovery Peer Specialist in the state of Florida. Peer Collective can help you do that. Please be aware that it includes taking an exam at a testing center in Florida.

Gender Identity
A core element of Peer Collective is providing a group of peer counselors that represent the diversity of our users. Users can filter peer counselors based on demographic categories. The following info is optional, but helps us to achieve that mission. We will not discriminate based your answers below.
This is also used to help people find their preferred match. It's not required to apply, and we do not discriminate.
  • African-American
  • Asian-American
  • Caucasian
  • Latinx/Hispanic
What languages are you fluent in?
  • {name}
What's a Peer Counselor?
Please tell us what you think a Peer Counselor is, what they do and how they can help people.
  • {name}
Becoming a Certified Peer in Florida
If you are not already a CRPS, Peer Collective will provide you with a free training course, and everything you need to become a Certified Recovery Peer Specialist in the state of Florida. By checking this box, you acknowledge you will have to complete a free training and pass an exam.

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