West Dunbartonshire Councils flagship office building at 16 Church Street Dumbarton, provides modern workspace for 500 staff, together with associated public services, in the heart of Dumbarton Town Centre, replacing their previous, dilapidated building at Garshake Road on the outskirts of town.
The site for the new building was identified to create a catalyst for the regeneration in Dumbarton Town Centre, together with ambitions to conserve the façade of William Leiper’s Grade A listed former
Purcell was appointed by Glasgow Building Preservation Trust (GBPT) to repair and alter Parkhead School to provide a local enterprise centre with flexible community and office space. Glasgow City Council (GCC) transferred ownership to GBPT to deliver the development. On practical completion the building was sold to Parkhead Housing Association to manage on behalf of the community.
The project was funded by GCC as part of the Parkhead Cross HLF Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) Funding wi