
Lorem ipsum

Application for a CAL Studio

Please fill this form as completely as possible to be considered for a studio at the Center for Arts and Learning. Contact: Phayvanh Luekhamhan, Please note that general demographic questions are at the bottom. These are optional, but very helpful to us. The information gathered here will only be used for internal purposes and only shared in the aggregate with no personalized information.

If you are currently unhoused, please use the best address and understand this studio is not to be used as a residential space.
REQUIRED: Landlord/Lease reference. If none, then a financial reference
Phone number for above named-person
If you did not list a landlord/lease reference above, a second reference, please
Phone number for your second reference
Optional additional reference
Phone number for third reference.
Are you currently employed?
If not employed, what is your source of income?

What kind of work do you plan to do in the studio?
It's ok if this changes after the fact. This helps us understand building's use and traffic.

What is your artistic discipline?
Select any that apply
  • Sculpture
  • Music
  • Painting
  • Metalwork
  • Jewelry
  • Architecture
  • Design
  • Writing
  • Textile / Fabric
  • Dance
  • Graphic Design
  • Fabric Arts
  • Stained Glass
  • Other
Will you be teaching at CAL?
It's ok if this changes after the fact. This helps us understand building's use and traffic.
Do you plan to have guests in the studio?
It's ok if this changes after the fact. This helps us understand building's use and traffic.
Your website or a profile or online gallery
What is your artistic philosophy?
Help us understand you as an artist.

Why do you want to be a part of CAL?
Please select all that apply.
  • Be in community w artists
  • Have private and secure place to practice my work
  • Opportunities to exhibit my work
  • Opportunities to teach
  • Opportunities to invite clients in
  • More exposure via CAL
  • Studio space seems affordable
  • I want to support CAL's mission
  • Other
Your Gender
Help us to understand how well we're serving certain community members. Again, this information is private and will not be shared. Please select any/all that apply.
Would you describe yourself as transgender?
Help us to understand how well we're serving certain community members. Again, this information is private and will not be shared. Please select any/all that apply.
My ethnicity
Help us to understand how well we're serving certain community members. Again, this information is private and will not be shared. Please select any/all that apply.
My age
Help us to understand how well we're serving certain community members. Again, this information is private and will not be shared. Please select any/all that apply.
Where I live
Help us to understand how well we're serving certain community members. Again, this information is private and will not be shared. Please select any/all that apply.
Anything else you would like us to know?
Use this space to tell us more about yourself, if you'd like.

I (we), state that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and I (we) give permission to CAL to request information from any or all of the above sources to determine my (our) eligibility for renting from them.

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