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Custom Program Request

Complete this form to request a custom program through CSUCI's Extended University. Custom programs may be non-credit certificate programs, professional development, or short-term learning experiences. Questions: Please contact

This may be a single course, a multi-course program, or a workshop
Program Description
Provide a description of the program and any additional information.

Will students get University credit for this program?
Date and Frequency
Do you have a date for this program in mind?

How many courses or workshop are included?
Provide range
Program Development
Is this program already developed or do you need development support?
Do you have faculty identified to teach this program or will you be hiring someone new?
Supplies or Materials
Are additional supplies or materials needed for this program?
Marketing and Recruitment
Do you have a cohort of participants or will you have EU market and recruit this program
Provide some more details about who the potential participants for this program will be or ideas about industry partners that we may contact.

Do you have external funding to help cover costs in this program? If so, please describe.

Any Attachments
Attach file
Drop files here
How often would you like to offer this program?
Additional Comments

Additional Information

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form