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Lunar Voyager Application

Thank you for your interest in Eutopia Rising events! We're a collective of queer and trans folks local to NYC interested in creating sexy spaces and workshops in an attempt to create a safer and more comfortable space for all of our guests. We aim to gather some information about our attendees in the interests of greater safety and accountability for everyone involved. We call those people who we have accepted into our community our trusted "Voyagers". As an approved Voyager, you'll receive invitations to all of Eutopia Rising's private events moving forward. But before we invite you to travel along with us, we'd like to know a little bit more about who you are and what you like to do. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and will only ever be visible to the Eutopia Rising staff. If you have a question or an issue with any part of the form below, please contact us directly at

Doesn't have to be what it says on your official ID, just has to be what people actually call you.
What they call you on FetLife, or in other sexyfuntimes contexts
Can we contact you there?
Check this box if we can send you occasional emails about our events
If you're on our discord server (, what's your nickname there? (it's the one that looks like name#1234)
You have to be at least 21 to be a Lunar Voyager.
Description could be aesthetic, spiritual, inter-personal... whatever fits in this box right here and gives us an idea about you.
We'd like to have an image to recognize you by. This should be a recent, totally G-rated shot where your face is clearly visible. This photo will purely be used for accountability and security -- your physical appearance has no bearing whatsoever on the approval of your application. You can also email a pic to Your application will not be approved without a photo!
Attach file
Drop files here
Who do you know? Who might you be attending our events with?
Why do you want to join us specifically?
There are a lot of parties out there, why us? Why here?

Tell us something cool about what you do, what you make, how you live, what you love. What do you dream of building? Where are you headed next?
Share a social media link to let us more about who you are, provide the url(s) here. Whatever you think represents you well and lets us know who you're connected to.
This is for post approval, we're going to add you to close friends for special info in our stories. Only put the name.
An important part of your daily life? An occasional interest? Working through a rough patch?
Married? Single? Monogamish? One third of a closed throuple? Deeply enmeshed in an endlessly complex and unchartable polyamorous network?
Do you have any special skills or talents? This community thrives on contribution and participation; everyone has something valuable to share.
What kind of experience do you have in attending sexy events?
How can we make our space safer and accessible for you?
Do you have any specific needs or concerns -- physical, mental, or otherwise -- that you'd like us to know about? This is intended toward virtual and physical space.
  • {name}
Are there any specific people whose presence would make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable?
We can't guarantee that people you mention will be refused entry, but we will definitely read your input and take it seriously into account.
  • {name}
We always account for no nuts, some gluten free, some vegetarian, and some vegan snacks at our events.
Please be specific (which friend, how on social media, etc.).
What did we miss?
Tell us anything else you'd like us to know.
  • {name}
Discord ID

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