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“The World of Influencing 101" with Kelly Youjin Kim and Beacons - Registration Form

Register for our exclusive, interactive webinar with popular fashion and lifestyle influencer, Kelly Kim (Youjin유진 on Youtube)! Join us via Zoom on December 3rd, 2021 at 3 PM PST to learn about how Kelly built, grew, and monetized her Youtube audience of 478k+ subscribers and Instagram platform of 86k+ followers...and how you can, too. From securing brand deals to finding work-life balance, Kelly will present her best tips for creators and open the floor for live Q&A during the event. By filling out this form, you commit to attending the event on 12/3. Please note that registration will be capped at 50 attendees on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Zoom link will be sent out closer to the event date via email. Attendees will recieve an exclusive Beacons discount at the end of the event! **You must be a registered Beacons user to attend this webinar. Registration closes on December 1st, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST.**

We'll email you the exclusive Zoom link closer to the event date.
Are you a Beacons user?
Why do you want to attend this talk?
Let us know what excites you most about this talk! This is our first time hosting an educational experience like this, so we'd love to hear what you find most appealing so we can do it again!
  • {name}
What questions do you have for Kelly?
  • {name}

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