Stepping down as 140 PC. Staying involved.
Stepping down as 451 PC--staying involved.
We had a great chat. I got her on Slack. She was former treasurer of Midland Dems and said she knew VAN. I had Kathi interview her and though she is not that VAN savvy, she is now our VAN list go-to person. I created a VAN list submission form in Typeform. Every submission is sent to the VAN List private channel in Slack that only Kathi, Ana, Gretchen and I have access to. Gretchen responses to any submissions and send the PC their list on Slack and email and cc's kathi and I. We use this Slack
Provided his information to Ana Juarez. He has worked with her before.
KBAD meeting--addressed envelopes. Meet & Greet at Hays County Store. Moved 2 years ago from Rockport. Was active with the Dems in Rockport.
Phoned and left a message
She likes to do work between 8am to 5pm when her husband is at work. Recently moved here lives outside of San Marcos towards Wimberley. Has helped Ana with postcards,
She moved from Austin, was in Student Affairs at UT most recently. Has a consulting business in self care, developing leadership skills (I think). She volunteered to reach out to her friend who is Dean of Student Affairs at TX State and find out about the voting initiative. She appears to have high level skills.
We traded emails back and forth and back and forth and he kept rescheduling Zoom meetings - then finally emailed that he was too busy to get involved.
Slacked Gina about phone bank & Ana about interest in texting & postcards. Did not contact PC.
Phoned and left message.
spoken to on the phone
Slacked Ana about postcards
/Had a Zoom - it's iffy whether she'll do it - but she wants to create /educational materials
Pct chair - he needs volunteers. Should we remove?
TC--LM EM slack to Ana re texting calling postcards social media & Gina about phone banking
TC--LM. Slack Ana re: resident in new Whisper Development East of 35
Met with him - my impression is that he's more of a talker - I showed him so many things like Action Network and Airtable and Slack and told him what I needed help this and he kinda abruptly had to go...
Been emailing - gave him Wordpress access and he's been helping with the website maintainence
asked her if interested in working with volunteer coordinating
10/16 Called her about postcards
08/21/22 suggested to Gina she may be willing to do Facebook?
Jayne is a fabulous VDR, she engages voters & kids (with the kid programs) for the LWV.
no answer. tech background, international relations, middle east specialty.
name to Kathi Thomas
text to Ana & Mark--strong Dem, voted in 2018 Republican primary. Teaches at Gary Job Corps.
volunteering with Beto campaign. Can do spreadsheet work
Had a great Zoom. He's going to help with a Comms project to drive traffic to the Blockwalks....
Spoke with him about potentially being a precinct chair. He has interest, and wants to consider it.
Working with KBAD. Has postcards from another organization is participating with.
Emailed to set up a day and time to speak.
Called, no answer.
Retired 40 year career in Womens Health Nurse Practitioner with Planned Parenthood, Dell Medical Center and others. Spoke with Gina about verbiage for candidates in women's health.
We had a great chat. She is a Data person. She was enthusiastic and I showed her L2 and I asked if I could give her the task, over the weekend, to export a list from L2 (using my login). Then we were going to import that list into ActionNetwork so I could do a targeted email to people supporting women's right to choose and test the open rate of those emails. When I reached out on the following Tuesday, she told me that she didn't have the time to commit and bowed out of volunteering. She said if
voted in R primary... precinct chair? oath?
Emailed to set up a day and time to speak
Slack to GIna--HR at Indeed. Voting hx not clear.
called, no answer. did not leave message. . EM to Kathi about postcards.
working with precinct chair-- worked as a database analyst
Did Excel at work. Has been working with S Austin Dems. Connected with precinct chair once. Told her tch person was overwhelmed and may be reaching out to her for some help.
She is going to work with Mahlin Musgrove in his precinct. She is also going to help Terry Cummings in her precinct next door.
Text about social media if still interested
Left a voicemail message
EM her the text for Rochelle Garza EM
She is going to come to the first Hang w/ Hays and consider helping me as Event Coordinator
Emailed to set up day and time to speak
Sent an email inviting to a Zoom; Talked with Moira. She is interested in joining the social media team with Bear.
Not in VAN. Address is Austin
Slack to GIna & Lucinda
Became a VDR Aug 2022
sent EM about partisan & nonpartisan poll watchers & poll working
EM re voter registration.
request Mark or Gina talk with her.
Sent her the Rochelle Garza texting link
EM voter registration
EM voter registration
EM texting Rochelle Garza, sent name to Nick via email
EM cc'd Nick, Debra, and Bear. forwarded her email about texting for Rochelle Garza.
Requested Gina or Mark call her about tech and/or precinct chair, WIll let Nick know about poll watching
Had a great chat. She's in Wimberley doing candidate videos and very cool.
Address is wrong - I emailed him. - no response....
10/16 dropped by 30 postcards
No one in VAN by this name at this address
I can't find her in VAN
emailed Bear & GIna & Margo as well as Karis.
slacked Gina--Ida
Nick contacted about poll watching. Gave her postcards
In '14, '16, & '20, this guy voted Republican. In '22 & ,18 he voted Dem. 07/29/22 pro gun; 09/23/22 abortion acess. Not gonna contact him....
TC LM emailed precinct chair
referred to Mindy
forwraded info to Lucinda