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Calling all E-commerce Shoppers

Do your friends call you an “e-shopaholic”? Clothes, shoes, bags, furniture, appliances -- do you purchase everything online? Are you a pro when it comes to finding the best deals online? Do you get so many packages that you see your mailman more than your own friends? If this sounds like you, would you like to discover what the future of e-commerce looks like? Answer these few questions, and come test our new augmented shopping app.

When you want to buy a product, do you look it up on e-commerce websites before purchase? (0 is never, 10 is every time)
On what type of device do you shop online?
Select all that apply.
Please specify the model. ex: iPhone 5, iPhone 6s, Huawei P9, Samsung S8 etc.
Have you ever bought cumbersome objects like furniture, large appliances, home furnishings or decor online?
When shopping online, have you ever felt anxious or unsure about your product purchase?
If you’ve felt this way before, what were your concerns regarding the product?
Please ignore this question if you answered “no” to the previous question.
  • {name}
If you have not felt this way before and feel secure about your online purchases, can you tell us why you are unconcerned?
Please ignore this question if you answered “yes” to the previous question.
  • {name}
When you’re interested in a product online, how do you make sure it will fulfill your needs or not?
  • {name}
What do you absolutely need to know about a product before purchasing it online?
  • {name}
Before buying a product, do you feel the need to see it in a store?
Only one answer is possible.
Can we contact you again in order to get more information about your answers?
We will never use your personal details outside of our user tests.
Would you agree to participate in the user testing session of our shopping app?
Only one answer is possible. It will be in-person, at our offices in the 11th arrondissement in Paris.
We will never use your personal details outside of our user tests.

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