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How has working through the pandemic changed your life?

Whether working as an essential worker, stuck remote or out of work, the pandemic has changed how our jobs affected our lives. The 23 newsrooms in the Solving for Chicago collaborative want to hear how it's affected you. What new challenges have you faced from child care to the importance of your home to what you need to feel safe. Importantly, we want to know the solutions you've found or are still looking for. Help us by taking this short survey and letting us know what newsroom you feel should take the lead in covering these issues.

What is your gender?
What do you consider your race/ethnicity?
What is your age?
What is your household income?
What have been your top concerns about work over the last year?
Select all that apply
  • Pay
  • Workplace safety
  • Hours
  • Reduced ability to care for family members
  • Greater instability in housing
  • Health insurance access or affordability
Were you an "essential worker" during the COVID-19 lockdowns
Have you changed jobs in the last year?
Are there other factors affecting to housing issues you're facing?
  • {name}
Do you live with school-aged children?
What ways have you found to overcome those work life challenges?
  • {name}
Which outlets do you want to see report on your concerns?
Your response will be immediately sent to the newsrooms selected.
May we contact you in the future about the work of the Solving for Chicago newsroom collaborative and its member newsrooms?

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