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Application- Startup Fellowship

Hi there, we're excited that you're interested in Illume Experiential programs. So we can match you with the right programs and companies, share with us your details here. This application should take you about 30 minutes to complete. Unfortunately, you will not be able to save this application, so please ensure you allow enough time to complete this in one sitting. Best of luck, we can't wait to see your application! Illume team :).

Pls put N/A if not available
Status of Education
Please tell us what placement type would you like to undertake?
Pls note, if you are still studying in any Australian Educational institute at the time of offer, all unpaid placements will need to be taken towards your course credit. Please contact your university/institution to learn how you could use this towards your course credit.
I am looking for
Confirmation of Program fee.
Illume offers subsidised program fees as a social enterprise. The current program fee is $1000 for Unpaid Internship and $2000 for Paid Internship due at the start of the program. This nominal fee help us to make program accessible to all. Please confirm your program fees here.
Which area of placement are you interested in?
  • Full stack Developer
  • Design- UI/UX
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Backend Developer
  • Business Analytics
  • Finance
  • Business Strategy
  • Other
  • Data Analytics/Data Science
If selected for the Fellowship Program, will you be available to commit to the program timelines?
Able to attend Fellowship Program from (every Mon, 8:00pm to 9:00pm for 8 weeks at Illume (done remotely)?
What gender do you identify as?
This is used for internal purposes only, and will not affect your application.
What is your current visa type?
This is used for internal purposes only, and will not affect your application
How old are you?
This is used for internal purposes only, and will not affect your application.
Are you currently employed?
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
What course or degree did you complete or are you completing?
(e.g. Bachelor of Arts, Major in Journalism, Minor in Italian, Master of Physiotherapy, PhD in Refugee Studies)
  • {name}
If you studied, or are studying at the University/institution, what faculty did you go to?
  • Architecture, Building and Planning
  • Arts
  • Business and Economics
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Fine Arts and Music
  • Law
  • Masters in Business Administration
  • Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
  • Science
  • Not sure
  • Not applicable
We celebrate diversity in all its forms at Illume Foundation To the extent that you are comfortable, please share what you identify as. Diversity as.
e.g. first generation migrant, International Student, First Nations - Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, intellectually diverse, a veteran, a person with a disability, a woman of colour etc. Used for internal purposes only.
  • {name}
Tell us why you want to be part of Illume Fellowship Program.
Maximum 250 words

Tell us your biggest achievement and biggest failure so far and how that impacted you?
Maximum 250 words

Please attach your resume
Attach file
Drop files here
To help us reach more students like yourself, please share how you heard about us?
  • Referral
  • Other
  • Illume Website
  • Social media
  • Illume Event
  • VicWise
Are you happy to receive emails about the Illume Fellowship programs and other events associated with Illume Foundation?
Please note, if you check no, we will not be in contact with you at all.
I hereby acknowledge that all the information provided is true and any false or misleading information will result in an automatic dismissal of my application.

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