Investment interest
Hi! Thank you for your interest in *la tierra* project. We believe we are into something truly special. We are opening a round of investment into the Company that will own all the *la tierra* project (including all the dwellings for rent, the commercial spaces and the totality or a part of many of the businesses that will be developed in the land such as hotels and restaurants). We are also looking for real estate partners and investors to help us finance the development of the real estate part of the project. The first one is a long-term, long-gains, aligned-in-vision kind of investment. Coming with us for the long haul and being part of something truly unique in the world. The second one is more of a financial investment: quick turn around, larger capital investment, one time return. Either way, we believe there are wonderful opportunities to invest in *la tierra*, support a unique project and get interesting returns. Please fill out this form so we can be in touch with you. We will follow up and send you additional information.