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3D Print Submission Form

To print at the Erie County Public Library, you need to have taken the Learn to 3D print class. Please allow 2-3 weeks for your print to be completed. 1. We will not print harmful or dangerous objects. 2. Prints must be under 11 hours. 3. Print queue order is determined by the date submitted. You cannot reorder your prints after submitting them. 4. You are limited to two print jobs per week. NOTE: Please update to the latest version of Cura Ultimaker 5.9.0. Earlier versions sometimes do not open the proper print settings. After updating your software, please re-slice using the new version of Cura.

First Print
Check this box if this is your first ever print.
If you don't have a library card, you can get one when you visit with ID before using the Idea Lab. If you only plan on using online resources, register for an online card here: Your number will be emailed to you in 1-2 business days and a physical card will be mailed to you.
We will email you when your print is done
If you don't have an email address, enter your phone number.
Maker Guide Project
Check this box if this is a project from our 3D Print Guide (Keychain, Cookie Cutter, Infill Earrings)
Cura Project 3MF File
Attach only one file. For Maker Guide projects, you may attach just the STL if you don't yet know how to use Cura.
Attach file
Drop files here
Prints must be under 11 hours.
Extruder/Material 1
Cost per gram of filament is listed next to the color
Contact to Pickup
Print Process
Extruder/Material 2
Only select if your print requires a 2nd material. PVA Support counts as a 2nd material.
Print Notes
Please provide any additional information Idea Lab Staff may need about your print. This may include notes on color or intent of your project.
  • {name}
Idea Lab Policies
By checking this box, you confirm that your print does not break Idea Lab policies prohibiting dangerous items or copyrighted material.
Printer Used
Large Format Print
Extruder 1 copy
Age Group
Artwork Agreement
Age Range

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