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Speaker Basic Information

This quick form will provide everything we need to gather speaker possibilities and confirm your spot. This could be added to the summit's website once confirmed. If you'd like to contribute an offer as a bonus for the All-Access Pass, you'll be able to provide that information as well, however this is completely optional and we can discuss possibilities.

Write your name as you'd like it to appear in all summit promotional materials
Include your title as you'd like it to appear on summit promotional materials. Eg. Type of photographer
  • {name}
Please attach a square headshot that is at least 600x600
Attach file
Drop files here
Which category would you like to present in?
You are not locked into this
  • Professional
  • Amateur
  • Specialist
  • Drone
  • Other
Possible Presentation Title
Enter the title you may like to use for your presentation. You're welcome to change this when you submit your presentation material, but this will give us something to put on the Registration and Schedule pages in the meantime. What specifics skill (or choice of skills) would you like to teach)
  • {name}
This can be something you already have created. Examples include mini-courses, workbooks, workshops, training videos, 1-month memberships, eBooks, etc. (This is not required, but very much encouraged as it will help you collect extra email addresses!) We will send another form for the confirmation of this or to add this later if you wish to participate. This is currently getting a feel for possibilities.
AAP Contribution Description
  • {name}
Anything else you'd like to add?
  • {name}

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form