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Request for senior project space

College of the Atlantic has not dedicated any space on campus solely for senior work, nor do we guarantee students private space for long-term utilization for independent projects. However, the Academic Services Office and Buildings & Grounds (B&G) regularly identify and allocate suitable spaces on campus for seniors to complete work toward their senior project where and when space is available, depending greatly on campus and curricular needs as well as classroom and staff/faculty office vacancies. We will do our best to accommodate students’ individual needs for campus resources, though in some instances allocated space may not be ideal or meet expectations fully. To better serve the demand, project spaces may be shared between two or more students, and students may only reserve project space for the duration of one (1) academic term. Some projects necessitate a private, lockable office; students should detail their need for single occupancy but also understand that good reasoning is not itself a guarantee if such spaces are unavailable. Academic Services and B&G reserve the right to deny requests if space is not available (regardless of need), if the nature of the project presents inherent risk to the student and/or space, or if the student does not meet the criteria to be granted space in the proposed term. Space is designated with much consideration for overall demand and attention to the specifics of the project. Once space is or is not granted, the decision may not be negotiated further by or on behalf of the student. If not granted, the student will be informed of the reason(s) for that decision, though the reason may likely be that space was simply not available. Space will be granted in the order of submission, with preference for students registering all three (3) credits in the term they are requesting. Students must have a completed senior project proposal on record with the Academic Services office and approval from their project director to request space. If the student’s proposal is not approved, or if they choose to register credits in a different term than initially requested, the space may be reassigned to a student on the waiting list. Having dedicated senior project space on campus is a privilege. By submitting this form, you are attesting to having read the above terms and criteria, and that you agree to respect our campus resources by mitigating damage to the best of your ability. SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST BELOW:

Term of occupancy
How many credits are your registering?
Students registering only one FP credit in the term may not request space for that term.
Mode of project
Will you be working with hazardous materials?
Will your project work produce sound that could be disruptive to neighboring offices?
Please attach your proposal
You may not request space until your proposal is completed and on file with Barbara Carter.
Attach file
Drop files here
Special considerations
Provide additional information relevant to your space needs
  • {name}

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