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Schooling Event Entry Form- Nov. 5th

Please submit a separate form for each turnout.

S&S Member
Membership forms will be available at the event to join the day of if you wish.
(If applicable)
Sharing Navigator
Equine Size
Equine(s) Name
  • {name}
Horse/Pony Coggins
We are asking that all equines have a current negative Coggins. You may either upload the file now to your entry, email it later, or bring with you to the event.
Attach file
Drop files here
November 5th - Valkyrie's Haven
  • Member Entry ($25)
  • Non-Member Entry ($35)
  • Additional Dressage Drive ($10)
  • Additional Cones Drive ($10)
  • I will NOT be driving marathon
Please add up your entry total.
Please let us know if you have any sharing or scheduling requests, or special accommodations needed for your truck/trailer. Limited stabling and possible camping available for May and June. Please note if interested.
  • {name}
Do you know someone that would like to volunteer?
Mentor Program
Mentors/Mentees will be notified ahead of time

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form