First Place Alpha Xi Delta
Second Place Alpha Delta Pi
Third Place Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place Kappa Alpha Order
Second Place Chi Phi
Third Place Theta Chi
Gabbie Holstein
Ben Peters
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta
Kappa Alpha Order
Fallyn Swiger (Alpha Xi Delta)
No Spring Sing due to COVID-19 Pandemic
No Spring Sing due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Back to the 90s
April 13
Bobcat Entertainment
Dutch Mutchler (Theta Chi)
Alpha Xi Delta
First Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Second Place: Alpha Delta Pi
Third Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Kappa Alpha
Second Place: Theta Chi
Third Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Black Student Union
Megan Gundy (Alpha Delta Pi)
Zeta Tau Alpha
Leah Bland
Dylan Ringer
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Second Place Zeta Tau Alpha
April 14
Leah Bland
Dylan Ringer
Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Second Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Kappa Alpha
Black Student Union
Sal Exposito (Kappa Alpha)
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Movies, Musicals, and Mashups
Lauren Cvechko
Trayvon King
Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
Second Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Third Place: Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Theta Xi
Second Place: Theta Chi
Third Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Black Student Union
Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
Second Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Third Place: Alpha Xi Delta
First Place: Theta Xi
Second Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Third Place: Kappa Alpha
Black Student Union
Jacklyn Luciany
Tanner McGrew
Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Second Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Third Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Theta Xi
Second Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Third Place: Kappa Alpha
Black Student Union/Phi Mu Alpha (together)
Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
Second Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Third Place: Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Second Place: Theta Chi
Third Place: Theta Xi
First Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Kappa Alpha
No Murmurmontis from this year forward.
First Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Theta Xi
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
First Place: Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Theta Xi
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Theta Xi
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Karly Kramer
Donovan Godwin
International Student Organization
First Place: Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Theta Xi
International Student Organization
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Christine Tenney
Evan Wolfe
Music Legends
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Amanda Sluss
Zach Harmon
Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Kappa Alpha
International Student Organization
Alpha Delta Pi
I Love the 90s
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Michele McDonagh
Rocky Romano
International Student Organization
First Place: Alpha Delta Pi
First Place: Theta Chi
International Student Organization
Country Boots and Country Roots
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Julie Miles
Eli Kinser
Alpha Gamma Delta
Kappa Phi
Made in the 80s
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Ceason Ranson
Scott Green (Theta Xi)
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Second Place:
Third Place:
Fourth Plact: Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Theta Chi
Isaac Casto (Theta Chi)
Kappa Phi
New York, New York
Limited information in the Murmurmontis
Masters of Ceremony: Stephen McGrew and Ashley Durkin
Erica Malone
Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Theta Xi
Ceason Ranson (Zeta Tau Alpha)
Rockin’ to the 50s!
Tara McCartney
Eric Fecat
Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Second Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Third Place: Zeta Tau Allha
First Place: Theta Xi
Second Place: Kappa Alpha
Third Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Black Student Union
TV Land
Kristen Bostedo
Frank Green
Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Second Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
Third Place: Alpha Xi Delta
First Place: Theta Xi (the only fraternity to perform this year)
First Place: Black Student Union
Second Place: Kappa Phi
Krista Slemmer (Alpha Xi Delta)
The 80s
Nina Manley
Tim Hollen
Black Student Union
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
Second Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Third Place: zeta Tau Alpha
First Place: Theta Xi
Second Place: Theta Chi
Third Place: Chi Phi
Black Student Union
Lori Cochran (Alpha Xi Delta)
Shad Wachter (Theta Xi)
First Place: Alpha Xi Delta
Second Place: Zeta Tau Alpha
Third Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Theta Xi
Second Place: Theta Chi
Third Place: Alpha Sigma Phi
Jennifer Foreback (Alpha Xi Delta)
The Many Colors of Wesleyan
April 5
Jessica Wright (Alpha Gamma Delta)
Matt Barnes
Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Alpha Gamma Delta
First Place: Theta Xi
Black Student Union
Men: Shad Wachter
Women: Jen Carter, NieshacWright
1st: Independent Men (Directed by Bob Call)
2nd: Independent Women (Directed by Annamary Wilson)
May 6
Beginning with 1955, the event was organized by the Special Activities Committee of Community Council
Corena Scott
1st: Independent Women
2nd: Kappa Alpha
Bob Coker (Theta Chi)
Crowned the May Queen.
Barbara Barron
First: Independent Women
Second: Independent Men
Colleen Burke
Interfraternity Singing Contest organized by the Woman's Athletic Association. Directed by Charlotte Knepshield.
Ellen Roush
May Pagaent
Ada Louise Wagner
May Queen Crowned
Mary Hadjis
Delta Psi Kappa (Physical Education Honorary for Women) proided trophies and chose a Queen.
May 9
Entertainment included the Orchestra, Folk Dances, and the Tumbling Team. Sponsored by the Physical Education Department.
Directed by Charlotte Knepshield
Crowned the Queen of the May -- researching the name of the winner.
May Day
Jeanne Vaughn (Sigma Delt)
May 6
May Day Celebration held in the Gymnasium.
Margaret Helen Watson
First Song Fest was initiated by Delta Psi Kappa. It was known as May Sing.
Although there were events before this, dating back to 1928, it took the form of a Song Fest in 1934.
There was entertainment in the form of individual and group singing, dancing, and acting which was based aroun the theme of the Italian Love Story of Harlequin and Comumbine.
The May Queen was entertained by "The Law of the Fairies"
Marian Canan
The May Queen was entertained by a play by Nathaniel Hawthorne: The May-Pole of Merry Mount.