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Submit Photo/Biography

This is a form to contribute information for the Brunei Cabinet database by @possiblyzebra (view at: Please read: - This form is specifically for submission of photos and biography information of senior officials (Brunei Cabinet, Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Permanent Secretaries) ONLY. - All submitted information should be publicly available and not collected from personal sources. - All irrelevant information will be ignored. - To submit appointment information: Use this form instead: Oh and also: - If you provide your name, your contribution will be credited. :) - Information for persons who have *previously* held senior positions is welcome; the database is *not only* for current appointed persons. Thank you for your contribution!

Full name of senior official.
URL to a publicly available biography. Should be biography provided in official capacity rather than personal biography.
URL or upload a publicly available photo. Should be photo taken in official capacity rather than personal photo. Preferred resolution ratio: 1x1 (square), 2:3 (tall) or 4:5 (wide). Photo should only show one person. Photo should be of decent visibility. Multiple photos are fine!
Attach file
Drop files here
Date and Month not required :)
Academic Background
Highest academic diplomas/degrees achieved, year, name of institution/college/university. Please note we are looking more at academic backgrounds rather than their academic performance/results. E.g: BEng Mechanical Engineering, 1980, University of Contoh
  • {name}
Please share all your sources (full URLs, publications, etc). Optional: Your name/contact, to credit you for the contribution. :) Any additional comments on what you have shared. Any other notes for me. Thanks!
  • {name}

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