Hire from us
Company Size *
- 1 – 10
- 11 – 50
- 51 – 300
- 301+
Eg: SaaS, FinTech
Nature of work *
- Consulting
- Product
- Not-for-profit
- Full-time
- Contract
- Consulting
- Intern
You're looking to hire
Using yrs of experience as a very rough measure!
- Associate Product Designer (0 - 2 yrs)
- Mid-level Product Designer (2+ yrs)
- Senior Product Designer (4+ yrs)
- Lead Product Designer (5+ yrs)
- Design Manager (5+ yrs)
- Founding Designer
- Head of Design
- Design/User Researcher
- Brand Designer
- UI Designer
Job Description/Summary *
A link to an existing JD or a short description of the expected responsibilities will work!
Are ESOPs available for this role?
Is this is a remote job?
Are there additional benefits/perks specific to your company?
Eg: Training budget, parental leave, WFH setup
- {name}
Your Interview Process *
- {name}
Are you open to removing the take-home/assignment from your process if they submit a standardized design challenge?
A video by the founders/leaders about why someone should join. You can also add this later!
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