Adoption Application
First, Middle Initial, and Last
Interested in (dog's name) *
Where do you live? *
- House
- Duplex
- Condo
- Apartment
- Mobile Home
Do you: *
- Own
- Rent
Do they allow pets? *
- Yes
- No
List any pet restrictions where you live *
- {name}
Do you have a fence? *
- Yes
- No
Are you 18 years or older? *
- Yes
- No
If YES, plese list the names and ages for others who will handling/caring for this boxer, including all children with whom the boxer will live. *
- {name}
Do any members of your family have allergies? *
- Yes
- No
If you have cats and/or dogs, are they all fixed and up to date on shots?
- Yes
- No
List name, age and breed of current dogs:
- {name}
Will dogs primarily be kept: *
- Indoors
- Outdoors
Are your dogs currently on heart worm preventative? *
- Yes
- No
Are all of your animals currently on flea/tick preventative? *
- Yes
- No
Have you ever had other pets during your adult life? *
- Yes
- No
If YES, how long did you have them and where are they now? *
- {name}
What are you interested in? Check all that apply *
What personality traits are you looking for in a boxer? *
- {name}
What activity level are you looking for in a boxer? *
- {name}
I want this dog for: (check all that apply) *
- Breeding
- Child's Pet
- Companion
- Guard Dog
- Companion for Other Pet
- Working/Farming
- Hunting
- Sports
- Gift
- Other:
Where will your boxer be kept? *
- Indoors
- Outdoors
- Both
- Unsure
Where will your boxer stay while you are gone? *
- Outside
- Crate
- Restricted area
- Free in home
What will you do if the boxer displays bad behavior such as barking, chewing, digging; etc.? *
- {name}
There are many times when unexpected and often very expensive medical conditions occur. Are you committed to providing medical care for your RDBR boxer? *
- Yes
- No
List all the reasons for wanting a boxer: *
- {name}
List 3 personal references, including contact phone numbers: *
- {name}
Have you, or anyone in your household, been accused of animal neglect or abuse by anyone at anytime? *
- Yes
- No
Have you, or anyone in your household, been charged with animal neglect or abuse? *
- Yes
- No
I will allow Red Dirt Boxer Rescue agent to visit my home prior to adopting? *
- Yes
- No
I understand that I am legally obligated to return the dog(s) to Red Dirt Boxer Rescue if I can no longer keep or care for the dog(s) at anytime in the future? *
- Yes
- No
Do you understand that if the information contained herein is found to be false, your application can be denied and/or the dog(s) shall be immediately relinquished to Red Dirt Boxer Rescue? *
- Yes
- No
Additional Comments: *
- {name}
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