
Lorem ipsum

Talent Submission Form

Want to join the dragons? We'd love to have you! Please fill out this form completely so we can keep in touch with you about future opportunities, we may also reach out for specific opportunities as well. We always give priority to those who take the time to join our database. You will also be added to our mailing list for our newsletter, 'The Lair,' ensuring you don't miss any audition calls or open positions.

(Or your stage/preferred full name)
Please select all that apply.
Don't have a professional one? Don't sweat it! A selfie will do just fine.
Attach file
Drop files here
Don't have something preparead? No problem, a simple list of any relevant experience or projects you've been a part of is just fine. Don't stress over formating, a simple word doc list, is fine by us, if you don't have something already.
Attach file
Drop files here
Gender (select all that apply)
There are times we have specific calls and selecting all that apply to you, makes it easy for us to find you and reach out. It also ensures you don't accidentally get missed for an opportunity. *If you do not find your gender identity, please let us know. We want to be fully inclusive and would be honored to ensure you are properly represented.
  • Cisgender
  • Woman
  • Man
  • Transgender
  • Non-Binary
  • I don't see myself here
  • Prefer not to answer
Race & Ethnicity (select all that apply)
There are times we have specific calls and selecting all that apply to you, makes it easy for us to find you and reach out. It also ensures you don't accidentally get missed for an opportunity. *If you do not find your racial or ethnic identity, please let us know. We want to be fully inclusive and would be honored to ensure you are properly represented.
Theatre Unchained is asking for this demographic data so that we may report on the diversity of artists that we work with for grant and funding opportunities. For this reason, we appreciate you sharing this information with us. You may select "Prefer not to answer" if you do not wish to share this information with us. Do you identify as LGBTQAI+?
Theatre Unchained is asking for this demographic data so that we may report on the diversity of artists that we work with for grant and funding opportunities. For this reason, we appreciate you sharing this information with us. You may select "Prefer not to answer" if you do not wish to share this information with us. Do you identify with having a disability? To clarify - An individual with a disability is defined by the ADA as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment. This includes but is not limited to limitations performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, walking, communicating, reading, learning, and concentrating.
Have hidden talents, a website, or maybe you just have some questions, drop them below. If you have a question and do not hear back within 48 hours, please message us directly on our 'contact' page on our website or via one of our social media channels.
  • {name}

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