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FAP Learning Lab - bugs and issues

Bug submission / Evolution form. Bug submission / Evolution form. Please fill in your request ! Formulaire de soumission de bug ou d'évolution. Merci de bien renseigner votre demande ! Incluez des informations détaillées.

Please provide a "headline" for the issue that concisely summarizes the problem and why it's important
Décrivez-nous votre demande
Tell us about your request ! Include more detailed information about the issue, including but not limited to: steps to reproduce the bug, any relevant details needed to help identify and resolve the problem, etc.
  • {name}
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This is necessary so we can follow-up if there are any questions while the issue is being investigated and fixed.
Fichiers joints
If useful, please include supporting attachments that might help to identify or resolve the issue (e.g., screenshot, GIF, video)
Attach file
Drop files here
Include some context about the source of the bug.
  • {name}
How important is it that we fix this issue?

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