Western Mass Asylum Support Network
Thank you for your interest in signing up to be part of our network! This form will collect some basic info from you so that we can get in touch with you, and start helping you figure out where you would like to plug in. (If you think you might be interested in hosting asylum-seekers as well, or would like more information about the possibility, please fill out our separate hosting form: https://forms.gle/pPJDaFJjxZvjBmh27.) If you or others you know would like to support our work, we'd love to have you make a tax-deductible donation: bit.ly/fund-WMASN. This volunteer signup has 10 questions and should take about 5 minutes to fill out. Afterwards, you'll get a follow-up email from WMassAsylumSupport@protonmail.com with info about your orientation date. Please whitelist that email address so it doesn't go to spam!