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ALA Story Collection - Build America's Libraries

The average U.S. public library building is more than 40 years old. Inadequate capital funding has made it difficult for libraries to address challenges such as natural disasters, COVID-19, broadband capacity, environmental hazards, and accessibility barriers. Alternately, new library facilities can enable greater use, new programs and services, energy efficiency, and boost community vitality. What are the biggest challenges you face in your library facilities? What impacts most stand out from library capital investments? Your examples will help make the case for federal support for library construction and modernization. Thank you! Staff contact: Larra Clark -

Please describe what your library facility’s deficits are (or were).
E.g., water damage or hazards, limited accessibility for people with disabilities, outmoded technology and/or meeting spaces, etc. If COVID-19, extreme weather or social justice movements have raised new concerns related to your facility needs, please include this.

Please describe the impact of your renovation or new construction (if any).
E.g., increased public use, new programs and services enabled, improved access for vulnerable populations, etc.

If your library was renovated, please describe how the project developed and how long it took before (re)opening. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

Please attach any photos or other documents showing your facilities' challenges and/or your improved facilities.
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Who were the key champions and/or partners in your capital project, e.g., public officials, school or business leaders, etc.?

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