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Submit a funding program

Does your unit manage an internal funding program that provides support for UC San Diego PIs? If your program is not listed on our site, submit basic details below and help increase campus visibility.

In brief, what is the name of the grant or funding program?
Which unit sponsors this program? No acronyms, please!
Type of funding
To assist applicants seeking specific types of funding, select the term that *best* describes this grant.
Disciplinary focus
To assist applicants from different areas of campus, select one or more disciplines eligible to apply.
  • Marine
  • Life Sci
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Eng/Phys Sci
  • Social & Behavioral Sci
  • All fields
When is the next application deadline? If not yet announced, when was the most recent deadline?
What is the *maximum* award for this program? Whole dollars only.
Summary (1-2 sentences maximum)

Where can applicants find more information? To avoid broken links, please provide a general web page rather than a specific annual RFA document. If information is not published, please provide the general website for your unit.
Interest in InfoReady
If you do not currently manage applications through the internal campus platform (, check the box below if would you be interested in learning more about using InfoReady for your program.
In case we have any questions about the information submitted, please provide your name and @ucsd email address.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form