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CTA Conference 2020 Booking Form

CTA CONFERENCE 2020 BOOKING FORM Sun 23 to Tue 25 February 2020 Doubletree Hilton hotel, York Please enter your booking details below and submit to the CTA office. Following receipt of your booking you will receive a confirmation and invoice by email. If you have any queries, please email or call 01694 781283.

Please enter name of lead delegate for booking
Please write the name as you would like it to appear on your name badge.
Member Type
Select Operator/Wholesaler/Supplier
Operators and Wholesaler Buyers: The CTA Workshop is an important part of the event. Please confirm that you will take a table for appointments with suppliers.
Please click the box
Insert Additional Delegate names - separated by a comma.
Sun 23 Feb pm - York city centre
Add Additional Notes
  • {name}

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