Head -Total freedom
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The evidence adduced ... suggests that the [false] Western text must be understood as a thoroughgoing attempt to address the question of Gentile Torah-observance in a more decisive manner than the Alexandrian text allows. The focus is not on table fellowship and food laws, but quite specifically upon the place of Torah in the life of believing Gentiles, and the answer given is negative.[128] [Footnote 128] The importance of harmonising Paul's [negative] attitude to the law with that of Acts would be an important factor in this [falsifying] process. [End Fn. 128] The [false] Western form of the decree emerges as a Christian, ethical document, plainly stating total freedom from Torah.
Peter Head "Appendix: Acts and the Problem of its Texts" The Book of Acts in its Ancient Literary Setting copy copy
Peter Head "Appendix: Acts and the Problem of its Texts" The Book of Acts in its Ancient Literary Setting copy
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