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Become a tree-planting partner!

If your organization wants to plant trees for Ecosia, please fill out the survey below and provide us with some more information about your partnership request. The tree-planting team will use this form as a first step to determine whether we can work together. Ecosia is looking for projects that make big impact, both social and ecological. As well as smaller innovative projects testing new tree-planting methods. At the end of the survey you'll have the opportunity to attach any additional information that might support your application. Before starting this application, we encourage you to read the guidance provided here:

What kind of financial support are you looking for?
Please note that this number does not necessarily need to be in the first year!
You can also add social media links if you like.
How many years of experience do you have working on reforestation?
In which country to you want to plant trees?
Please specify the region in the country. The more specific the better!
Describe the project in your own words.

In case you think it is important to provide additional information about your project, you can upload a document here (PDF/Word/Excel)
Attach file
Drop files here
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Please be aware that by submitting your details, you are you are agreeing that your private details will be collected, stored securely and used for the purposes of project applications. Your contact details will only be used to contact you in case your project is potentially interesting to finance. We will not distribute your contact details to third parties or use it for newsletters or any other kind of automatic message distribution. In case you want your contact details to be removed from the project application database, please send a message to: stating: "Request to be removed from the project application database", including your contact details that must be removed. See also the privacy statement of Ecosia: I hereby acknowledge to have read the above mentioned information, understand it and agree with it

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form