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Preventing and ending homelessness
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Hispanic as Race as well as Ethnicity.

All Clients
Record Creation: Only once, when the client's record is created

This question will provide a broad picture of demographics

Intake/Data Collection Staff
Not possible
For discussion at P&P, but not a vote

ICA's Perspective:

  • Because this is a HUD HMIS universal data element, we are unable to add "Hispanic" or any other options to the list of Race responses.
What are your pronouns?
Date Field
All Clients
Record Creation: Only once, when the client's record is created

More inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community

Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

ICA's Perspective:

  • If P&P votes to add this, ICA would recommend that the When the Data Collected field be changed to "At Occurrence," because a person's pronouns isn't a data point, it's a way to speak to someone respectfully. ICA supports all agency's efforts to speak to people with respect and inclusivity, but questions the usefulness of this as a data element.
More categories for questions regarding race
Custom drop-down list

We should add two or more races or a multi-racial category.

All Clients
Record Creation: Only once, when the client's record is created

The U.S. census added multiracial as a racial category back in 2000. It's time we catch up to the times. It is more inclusive than just listing all your races because in a way it makes you rank your races and that may determine how people identify you and what services they refer you too, based on which race they deem to be more dominant.

Intake/Data Collection Staff
Not possible
For discussion at P&P, but not a vote

ICA's Perspective:

  •  ICA validates this concern and acknowledges the inherent limitation of any way that race categories are constructed.
In what county is the client being served?
Custom drop-down list

In an 18 county CoC with mostly scattered site ES, TH, RRH, and PSH, there are many HMIS providers that can place people in multiple counties. County Boards and City Councils can benefit from county-level data. Also, in looking at racial disparities in our system, county-level data would be very helpful.

All Clients
Project Start: Every time a client or household enters a new project

Rural CoC have a lot of different sub-communities and county level data would be a big help (e.g. does Lyon County (where Marshall is) have more racial disparity than Worthington when it comes to need and the system response). County level data (as opposed to CoC-level data) would help us target our system improvement attempts more efficiently.

CoC Coordinator or LSA
Share relevant Knowledge Base article or other ICA resource
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!
ICA Laura

ICA's Perspective:

  • This is already a MN UDE. No additional action/consideration needed.
Assessor name
Text box
All Clients
Project Start: Every time a client or household enters a new project

It would be helpful to know who the assessor is if there is any questions about the assessment.

Plus we run monthly reports and need to know who the assessors is

HMIS End User
Intake/Data Collection Staff
Share relevant Knowledge Base article or other ICA resource
ICA Laura

ICA's Perspective:

  • This information is entered and available in the client's Coordinated Entry Assessment sub-assessment, which is required for every client being added to their region's priority list. HMIS data entry instructions for assessors. ICA can work directly with the stakeholder to discern if there are additional ways of accessing this information via our reporting structure. No additional action or consideration by P&P is needed.
Are you currently working with a ACT worker, CADI Case Manager and/or a ARMHS worker?
Yes, No
All Clients
Project Start: Every time a client or household enters a new project

This data will help determine if a person is already working with a provider. This will help other providers work together to get the person the resources that they need to get housing. Over all if we all collaborate to get a person housed it will speed up the process, that will eventually decrease the amount of people that are homeless.

HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P

ICA's Perspective:

  •  This seems to be a more specific agency/process request than a MN UDE request. ICA can add non-UDE questions for agencies wishing to use ServicePoint as a database of record (and we would recommend a different venue for accomplishing this request, such a project proposal).
Ask a question geared towards strengths, ambitions, what people have thanked them for in the past, cultural wealth, strength-based questions. That speaks the the clients dignity and value and shows cultural humility?
Text box
All Clients
Project Start: Every time a client or household enters a new project

This question should be asked once the client is in a housing program

Intake/Data Collection Staff
Contact - we need clarification
For vote by P&P
ICA Britt

[ICA is reaching out to submitter for clarification 7/6/2021]

Did you serve in the U.S. Military? If yes, the client should be referred to the Homeless Veteran Registry and other veteran resources.
Yes, No
Adult Clients Only
At Occurrence: Whenever the thing or change occurs
Record Creation: Only once, when the client's record is created
Annual Assessment: Once a year at a client's 1-year anniversary date in the program

This is a sensitive question to ask and can be triggering/re-traumatizing, if you ask too many follow up questions about the clients military status and experience before having the change to build rapport with the client. Especially if the client had a negative experience in the military. Questions such as: For approximately how long did you serve (does it matter, a veteran is a veteran?), What type of discharge did you have?, Do you receive VA Disability benefits?, etc. Those should wait until the client is in a housing program and should not be done at the ASC intake process. The only question ASC should ask is, did you serve in the military? And the client can answer yes or no.

Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

Please see the External Notes documented in this request to edit the data element.

LGBTQIA+ identification/status (this may be new question for sexual orientation AND revised options for the existing gender question)
Custom drop-down list

Would like to have guidance from LGBTQIA+ stakeholders in how to ask this question and what options to provide so that the list doesn't leave people out or make them feel unsafe.

Have not thought about it/open to recommendations

Would like guidance from LGBTQIA+ and youth stakeholders on who should be asked this question. Is the question for children unnecessary or important? Does LGBTQIA+ identity of a child affect housing access for a household with children in the same way it might affect a single adult or youth?

Record Creation: Only once, when the client's record is created

Our CoC's workgroup evaluating Coordinated Entry asked why there is no way to evaluate system outcomes or disparities in outcomes for people who identify as LGBTQ like we do for other overrepresented subpopulations. They noted that we often state that persons in this subpopulation are at higher risk of homelessness or face barriers in accessing housing, but we don't actually have any way to demonstrate that or measure changes in our system.

Our group didn't feel like they knew how to craft the question given limited representation from LGBTQIA+ individuals in this committee. We would like to have guidance from LGBTQIA+ stakeholders in how to ask this question and what options to provide so that the list doesn't leave people out or make them feel unsafe.

CoC Coordinator or LSA
For vote by P&P

ICA's Perspective:

  •  ICA is aware that adding a question about a person's sexual orientation (gender identity is collected in the HUD UDE 'Gender') would require training materials that do not currently exist. There has been feedback about data elements whose intended use is research based and whether or not that is sufficient justification to require a question.
9 records


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