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C School - Community Management Foundations Application

Thank you for your interest in applying to C School's twelve week cohort-based community manager training program. This application is for job seekers/career-changers—if you are already employed as a community manager, please use this application instead: We expect this application to take about 20 minutes of your time. We will be asking about your demographics and background, your educational and professional history, your eligibility and availability for this program, and your skills and experiences. You will also be asked to complete two short open-response questions at the end as well as provide your resume. This is a rolling application—if your application is accepted, we will do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible based on availability. If your application seems like a good fit, the next step will be a 20 minute interview with our team. Thank you for your interest in C School!

Basics & Demographics
A note for applicants: our review process obscures information like your name, email address, age, race, and gender to reduce implicit bias from reviewers. Your responses in this section will not influence your application status, with the exception of age—we are not able to accept applicants under the age of 18. Although these questions are not evaluated during review, they are included here to help us collect aggregated data on our applicant and student pools—this helps us strive toward the most equitable application process and program possible, and understand where we may be falling short in spreading the word about this application to diverse networks. We strongly encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply for this program.
    Please note we are not able to accommodate students who are under 18.
    What are your pronouns?
    Which of the following best describes your racial/ethnic identity?
    With which of the following gender identities do you most identify?
    Educational History
    This section asks you questions about your educational history. Your answers to these questions will be used to help our team understand the existing experiences you would bring to the program. We encourage applicants of all educational backgrounds to apply.
      Are you currently a student?
      What is the highest level of education you have obtained?
      Have you applied to or participated in a career change program in the past?
      i.e. FlockJay, General Assembly, Lambda School, Code Academy, etc
      Have you completed any career development or certification courses in the past?
      i.e. SalesForce certification, Project Management Professional, Certified Scrum Master, etc
      Professional History
      This section asks you questions about your professional history.
        Are you currently employed?
        Have you held any other jobs, compensated or volunteer-based, that you believe provided experience in skills applicable to community management? If yes, please describe them here. If no, skip this question.
        • {name}
        Which of the following compensation ranges contains your current (or most recently held if currently unemployed) annual salary?
        Note: we will not share this information with employers.
        Program Availability & Requirements
        This section will ask you questions about your availability to participate in this program. While schedules vary in each cohort, you can reference a sample schedule here:
          From what time zone will you be taking part in the program?
          While we are not limiting applicants based on location, please note that our employer partners are currently based in the US—as such, this program can only accommodate applicants who are legally allowed to work in the US at this time.
          Are you legally allowed to work in the US at this time?
          We can accommodate candidates outside of the US; however, if you are applying to this program as a job seeker, please keep in mind that our current career network is mostly located in the US—we cannot guarantee our partnering companies are able to hire outside of the US.
          Please take a moment to tell us more about your availability for live sessions.
          This program combines live class sections, asynchronous learning materials, and independent work. Typical real time commitments during the program are broken down as: -2 hour class/week -1.5 hour small group practice/week -1 hour guest presentation (on about half of the weeks) You can view a sample schedule for a previous program here: While every situation is unique and we understand that conflicts do arise (and we do record sessions), we expect that successful students will miss no more than 3 live sessions, planned or unplanned. If offered a spot in one of our cohorts, you'll get the chance to review the entire program-specific schedule before committing. However, based on this information regarding the time commitment, please tell us more about your availability.
          If accepted, would you be able to devote 10hrs/week to completing the program?
          This program is designed to require about a 10hr/week time commitment (including live and self-paced work) from students in order to complete successfully.
          When would you ideally like to participate in C School?
          Please select from the options below to let us know more about which payment options would allow you to participate in the program.
          This program costs $3000 USD to participate. We are able to provide a limited number of partial and full scholarships. Participants also have the option to pay for the program either up front, or using a variety of payment plan options (3, 6, and 12 months). Please note that our primary goal for this program is to help the most high quality candidates transition into community management; as such, you are encouraged to apply regardless of your current ability to pay. **Note: only candidates who indicated that their annual salary is <$35k USD/annually, are unemployed at the moment of application or work for a non-profit organisation will be considered for a full scholarship.
          This program is designed to culminate in a month of career services. In other words, looking for a job in community management. If accepted, which of the following best describes your ideal employment situation at the close of the program?
          What are your salary expectations for your next role?
          Note: we will not share this information with employers.
          Where are you willing to work at your next role (supposing a time when it is safe to work in an office)?
          Which of the following describes your primary reason for applying to this program?
          Choose the best fit.
          Which of the following play a part in the reasons you are applying for this program?
          Choose as many as apply.
          • I am currently a CM, and I would like to develop my career
          • CM seems like a career path that is a good fit for me in the long term
          • CM seems like a good way to transition into startups
          • CM seems like a good career path to help me work fully remotely
          • General career development and education
          How did you hear about C School?
          Open Responses
          In this section, we'll be asking you to share more about your interest in and understanding of community management in your own words.
            Please describe, in a few sentences, why you are interested in becoming a community manager.
            • {name}
            Suppose a dog training education company wants to create a community. Their primary business is selling online courses that teach beginners how to train their new puppies, and they want to create a community of new dog owners. Suppose they wanted to hire a community manager—please write a brief job description for what the community managers’ main roles and responsibilities might be.
            • {name}
            A few final things
            In this section, we'll be asking you for some links and attachments before you wrap up.
              Please attach a PDF of your resume here.
              Attach file
              Drop files here
              Do you have any final thoughts or feedback on this application you'd like to share?
              • {name}
              Thank you!
              We appreciate you taking the time to complete this application. If you are selected for the next round, our team will reach out to schedule a 20 minute interview to learn more about you. If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to our team at

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