C School - Community Management Foundations Application
Thank you for your interest in applying to C School's twelve week cohort-based community manager training program. This application is for job seekers/career-changers—if you are already employed as a community manager, please use this application instead: https://www.community.club/c-school/essentials We expect this application to take about 20 minutes of your time. We will be asking about your demographics and background, your educational and professional history, your eligibility and availability for this program, and your skills and experiences. You will also be asked to complete two short open-response questions at the end as well as provide your resume. This is a rolling application—if your application is accepted, we will do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible based on availability. If your application seems like a good fit, the next step will be a 20 minute interview with our team. Thank you for your interest in C School!
- She/her/hers
- He/him/his
- They/them/theirs
- Other pronouns
- Prefer not to say
- Asian or Pacific Islander
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latinx
- Native American or Alaskan Native
- White or Caucasian
- Multiracial or Biracial
- A race/ethnicity not listed here
- Prefer not to say
- Agender
- Gender fluid
- Gender non-conforming
- Genderqueer
- Male
- Non-binary
- Female
- Other
- I don't wish to answer
- Yes, I am a high school student.
- Yes, I am a student at a two or four year college.
- Yes, I am a graduate student.
- No, I am not currently a student.
- No high school diploma
- High school diploma
- Two year college degree
- Four year college degree
- Masters’ degree
- This is the first program I am applying for.
- Applied for another program but wasn’t accepted
- Was accepted to another program, but didn’t enroll
- Was accepted to another program, but I didn't complete it
- Completed another program, but didn't work in the field of study
- Completed another program and worked in the field of study
- Yes
- No
- Yes, I am employed full time.
- Yes, I am employed part time.
- I am not currently employed.
- {name}
- <$35k USD/annually
- $35-50k USD annually
- $50-75k USD annually
- $75-100k USD annually
- $100-150k USD annually
- >$150k USD annually
- I don't anticipate any issues with the schedule at this time
- Overall time commitment works, but depends on specific schedule
- Regardless of schedule, I would struggle with this time commitment
- I definitely would not be able to commit to a schedule like this
- Yes
- No
- I'm not sure
- Q3, 2022
- Q4, 2022
- Q1, 2023
- Some time after Q1, 2023
- I would be able to pay my tuition up-front in full.
- I would be able to pay my tuition in full on a payment plan.
- I would only be able to participate if awarded a partial scholarship.
- I would only be able to participate if awarded a full scholarship.
- Want to be employed full-time as a CM as soon as I can
- Want to be employed part-time as a CM as soon as I can
- Would start seeking a job as a CM within the year, not right away.
- Am already employed as a CM
- Do not plan to work full or part-time in CM
- <$35k USD/annually
- $35-50k USD annually
- $50-75k USD annually
- $75-100k USD annually
- $100-150k USD annually
- >$150k USD annually
- I would only consider fully remote positions.
- I would only consider in-person positions where I currently live.
- I am open to remote or in-person positions where I currently live.
- I am open to moving to another location for work.
- Other
- I am currently a CM, and I would like to develop my career
- CM seems like a career path that is a good fit for me in the long term
- CM seems like a good way to transition into startups
- CM seems like a good career path to help me work fully remotely
- General career development and education
- I am currently a CM, and I would like to develop my career
- CM seems like a career path that is a good fit for me in the long term
- CM seems like a good way to transition into startups
- CM seems like a good career path to help me work fully remotely
- General career development and education
- The Community Club (Slack)
- The Community Club (Forem)
- Community Club Weekly Newsletter
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- From a friend
- Other
- {name}
- {name}
- {name}